Puget sound prairies

Created by retreating glaciers 15,000 years ago, the dwindling prairies and oak woodlands and savannas of the South Puget Sound were once abundant landscapes in the region. Now, Washington state manages two of the remaining prairie habitats in the Sound Sound area: Mima Mounds National Area Preserve (637-acre) and the Scatter Creek Wildlife Area (1200-acre). These increasingly scarce and fragile ecosystems provide the critical habitat needed for rare and endemic species of wildflowers, butterflies, and fauna. Some of the species include the golden paintbrush (Castilleja levisecta), Taylor’s checkerspot (Euphydryas editha taylori), pocket gopher (Thomomys mazama), and streaked horned lark (Eremophila alpestris strigata).

Currently, Colorado State University and the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands are conducting a prairie habitat restoration support project based out of Joint Base Lewis-McCord (JBLM) in western Washington. This project is working towards habitat restoration and improvement for native animal and plant species of special concern, conducting prescribed burns, and tracking and monitoring seed production, among other activities.

South Sound Prairies Website

USFS: Camas Prairie

UW: Camas Prairie Cultural Ecosystems

DNR: Mima Mounds Natural Area Preserve

Mima Mounds Plant Species List

Mima Mounds Vascular Plant Inventory

Birdweb: Mima Mounds

Scatter Creek Wildlife Area Advisory Committee

Scatter Creek Plant Species List

Birdweb: Scatter Creek Wildlife Area

WTA: Scatter Creek

Glacial Heritage Preserve Restoration

Conservation Action Planning Report for the South Puget Sound Prairies


JBLM Fish and Wildlife

Wildlife and Fisheries Science Job Board: JBLM Prairie Habitat Restoration Support

Landscope: South Puget Sound Prairies

Native Vegetation of the South Puget Sound Prairie Landscape

Prairie Appreciation Day

Vascular Plants of the South Puget Sound Prairies Book

Vascular Plant Flora of the South Puget Sound Prairies

West Rocky Prairie Plant Species List

Wolf Haven International

WSU: South Sound Prairie Grazing Project

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