Animating the Sea: Motion, Light and Eyes

Faculty: Ruth Hayes, M.F.A., and Pauline Yu, Ph.D.



Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina)

Copyright 2020 R. Rain© *essay work still in progress* Taxonomy:Kingdom: Animalia, Pylum: Chordata, Subphylum: Vertebrata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Carnivora, Infraorder: Pinnipedia, Family: Phocidae, Genus: Phoca, Species: vitulina The Harbor Seal, also known as the Pacific harbor seal or common seal,… Continue Reading →

Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina)

✦ By L.C. ✦          The harbor seal’s scientific name is  phoca vitulina, which means “calf-like seal”, this most likely being due to their neotenic appearance; namely, they have huge eyes for seeing in the dark, and… Continue Reading →

Otariid and Phocid locomotion

            Living in the pacific northwest it is not uncommon to see a Harbor Seal (phoca vitulina) or California Sea Lion (zalophus californiaus) at some point in a residents life. However, it is just as common for these two to… Continue Reading →

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