Animating the Sea: Motion, Light and Eyes

Faculty: Ruth Hayes, M.F.A., and Pauline Yu, Ph.D.


Oviparous (eggs!)

Common Clownfish (Ocellaris amphiprion)

Mollie Fain The organism I have been researching is the Ocellaris Amphiprion which is commonly known as the False or Common Clownfish. It is a fish that lives in coral reefs and shallow lagoons, in general they are found in… Continue Reading →

Common Merganser (Mergus Merganser)

Isadora Colpo The common merganser belongs to the family anatidae, which includes ducks, geese, and swans, and within that, the subfamily anatinae (Delacour & Mayr, p 7). The anatinae subfamily molts twice a year and has sexual dimorphism in voice… Continue Reading →

Emperor and Little Blue Penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) and (Eudyptula minor)

By: Jay White Most of the time when someone is asked to imagine a penguin, they could think of a very basic concept; black body, white belly, flipper-like wings, a funny little waddle, and the ability to slide on their… Continue Reading →

Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)

By Kaden Kohtala The Great Blue Heron, or Ardea herodias in the order Pelecaniformes, is a common sight across North America. The family it belongs to, Ardeidae, consists of herons, egrets, and bitterns (Youth, 2000). A. herodias is the largest… Continue Reading →

Moon Snail (Naticidae)

The Naticidae, more commonly known as the moon snail, belongs to the class Gastropoda and the order Littorinimorpha. Gastropods are a class of animals containing snails, slugs, limpets, and sea hares. There is a large variety in shape, size, and… Continue Reading →