Articles: Peace, antiwar, global

Books:  Publications, chapters, reviews
Selected Articles: Indigenous, environmental, U.S. racism
Selected Articles: Peace, antiwar, global

2024 A Century of U.S. Military Interventions: From Wounded Knee to Yemen. Versions of list on,, many other websites, and The Veteran (VVAW). Translations of list: Spanish, French, Turkish, Italian, Chinese, Greek, Russian, Czech, Tamil, Portuguese, Hawaiian, Finnish. Video of Seattle FoR presentation (2012) Veterans for Peace Hour on Thurston County TV (2009) Pacifica radio interview (2003). Powerpoint on U.S. interventions since 1890. (Turkish newspaper urges U.S. be listed in Guinness Book of World Records for the Most Interventions.)

2022   Is Putin Heading Toward a Partition of Ukraine?, on Counterpunch, Portside, Z. Presentation  WORT interview   Translations: Ukrainian, Czech

2022  Belarus military dissent could be a key to peace in Ukraine, on Counterpunch, Z.  Translations: Ukrainian, Czech

2022  Ukraine Maps Tell a Different Story Than Putin’s Claims, on Common Dreams, Counterpunch, Z   Presentation, KPFA interview   Translations: Ukrainian, Czech

2021  Five Ways the U.S. Created and Prolonged the Afghan Crisis, on The Progressive, Common Dreams, Portside, & Counterpunch (longer version). WORT radio interview.

2020  10 Reasons Why Defunding Police Should Lead to Defunding War, with Medea Benjamin, on Salon, Common Dreams, Code Pink, Pressenza, Consortium News, Nation of Change, Dissident Voice, Peace Worker, World Beyond War, Intrepid Report. Translation: Chinese, Portuguese

2020 Geographer’s Statement on the Defacing of the Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural (Olympia WA)

2020  A war on Iran would be different from Iraq, and far, far worse, on ZNet, Counterpunch, Portside, Zambian Sun.  Translations: Ukrainian

2016   Stop the Next President from Waging the Next War (Syria), on Counterpunch. Translation: Somali

2015  The Kindness of Strangers: The Refugees in Hungary and my Father’s WWII Refugee Story, on CommonDreams, Z, Portside. Translations: Ukrainian, Czech, Spanish

2015 The Global War on Tribes: Return to “Indian Country” on Counterpunch and in Z magazine (June 2010), Indian Country Today (Feb. 2015) Interview TranslationSpanish

2014 The War at Home Meets the Wars Abroad, on Counterpunch, Z

2014 Ukraine: The Enemy of Your Enemy Is Not Always Your Friend, on Counterpunch, Tikkun, Portside Z. Interviews: Talk Nation Radio & KPFA Flashpoints (3/13/14), KPFK Sojourner Truth (3/18/14, 13:30) Critique in New York Times. Online powerpoint presentation. Translations in Finnish, Russian

2013 The Pot Calling the Kettle Black: A Short History of Bio-Chemical Weapons on Z, Counterpunch. Translations: Turkish, Portuguese 

2013 Why Kosovo Is (and Isn’t) a Precedent for Syria, in Z, Counterpunch. Translation: Greek

2013 I Was Arrested at the Wisconsin State Capitol for Singing, on Worley Dervish

2011 Rise of the Planet of the People (about Occupy movement) on Common Dreams, Z

2011 Why Kosovo but not Palestine? on Al Jazeera, Counterpunch, Z. Translations: Spanish Serbian Bosnian Polish Turkish

2011 Libya for the Libyans on Common Dreams, Counterpunch

2011 Why Wisconsin? How history set the stage for rebellion, on ZNet, Portside

2011 Real Fascists in Our Midst: What if the Tucson shooter had been a Muslim? in Z Magazine

2009 Afghanistan: Roach Motel of Empires, on Counterpunch, ZNet, AfterDowningStreet. Interview on This is Hell (WNUR, 12/5/09) Translation: Turkish

2009 Coffee Strong: Listening to the G.I. Voice at Fort Lewis on The Veteran (VVAW), Counterpunch,, Portside, AfterDowningStreet

2008 Biden’s Wars: A Guide to So-Called “Humanitarian Interventions” in Z magazine, on,.

2008 “Remember the ’80s: Social Movements between Woodstock and the Web” in Z magazine, on,,, others. Translation: Italian

2007 An Endless Occupation? Iraq Bases and the “Korea Model”, on, others. Interview (RealAudio) on “Between the Lines” (9/28/07), Interview (Podcast) on WUSB (8/13/07), Interview (Real Audio) on KPOJ (9/25/07), Interview on Iran Radio (8/13/07) Quotes in Christian Science Monitor and The Independent/ TruthOut.

2007 “Reflections on the Port Protests in Olympia”, in Works in Progress (Discussion with photos and video links)

2007 “Speaking Different Languages: How the Peace Movement Works with the Military Community,” on Portside and, others.

2006. “Getting Local and Keeping Positive in the Antiwar Movement, on and, others.

2006 “A Brief History of U.S. Military Resistance” on,,,, Translations: German Danish

2006. “New Challenges for the Peace Movement in 2006,” on and

2005 “Khuzestan: First Front in the War on Iran?, ” in Z magazine (Jan.) &, with ethnic map and powerpoint. Translations: Danish Persian

2003 “Occupation Fails to ‘Capture’ Iraqis’ Loyalty, Prevent Civil War” on and Saddam’s capture would intensify insurgency.)

2003 “The Perils of Occupation: The Easier the Victory, the Harder the Peace” on,, IraqWar.Ru, and Iraqi Shi’ite insurgency.) Translation: Turkish. Interview on Pacifica Radio’s Peace Watch (5/10/03).

2003 “The Next Stage: How the U.S. prevented Iraqis from ousting Saddam, and why the next battle may be against his opponents” in Z magazine,, Translations: Spanish Korean. (Predicted that U.S. would turn against Iraqi Shi’ites.) PowerPoint on background of Iraq War.

2003 Urgent Assistance Needed by USA, from George Walker Bush (spoof based on “Nigerian Scam” e-mails). New York Times’ two articles on parody. Article in Dutch.

2003 “Dispatch from Main Street: Winning Hearts and Minds in the Heartland,” on, and Independent Politics News. Translation of excerpt: Italian (Looked at growing rural peace movement).

2003 Iraq & Our Energy Future class website in Spring semester of Geography 378 (International Environmental Problems & Policy). Article on website.

2003 “Was General Clark Also “Unprepared” for the Postwar Bloodbath?” on,, and (Examined Clark’s record during and after Kosovo war.) Democracy Now interview (/18/03)

2002 “New US Military Bases: Side Effects Or Causes Of War?” in,, and other websites. Powerpoint on bases in Iraq, Somali, Yugoslav, Afghan wars. Translations: Spanish Korean Japanese Italian Finnish Bengali and Interview (RealAudio) on Pacifica Radio (6/10/03). Presentation covered in Draft Notices. U.S. military bases map in the Mideast (color), (B&W

2002 Caspian Basin Oil class website in Fall semester of Geography 378 (International Environmental Problems & Policy). Article on website.

2002 “What to Watch for in Afghanistan.” In September 11 and the U.S. War: Beyond the Curtain of Smoke. Roger Burbach and Ben Clarke, eds. San Francisco: City Lights Publishers. Also on, and Translations: Japanese Turkish

2001. “A Briefing on the History of U.S. Interventions,” on, other websites. Translations:  Georgian Italian Polish Danish

2001 WORT call-in radio programs with Ahmed Rashid in Pakistan and Robert Fisk in Lebanon.

2001 “Afghanistan is not simply like Vietnam.” Madison Times, Badger Herald, Indymedia.

1999 “Kosovo, Apaches, and Ethnic Cleansing,” in The Circle (Minneapolis),, Synthesis/Regeneration.

1999 “Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right: A Cartographer’s View of the Yugoslav War,” Wisconsin State Journal  Radio4All interview.

1997 “Packerland as Fatherland,” satire on the Nationalism Project website.

1994  “Erecting the New Wall:  Geopolitics and the restructuring of Europe,” Z magazine

1993-95 “War in the Caucasus,” review of southern Russia, Chechnya, Georgia, and Azerbaijan, in Wisconsin State Journal (Madison), Nonviolent Activist (New York), and Z magazine (Boston).

1993 “Bosnia: Taking Sides is not Peacekeeping,” in Heartland (Chicago) and The Edge (Madison).

1993 “Challenges to Moscow: Ethnicity Threatens Russia’s Unity,” in Z magazine.

1992 “Sarajevo and Los Angeles: A Tale of Two Cities,” in New Liberation News Service / PSN News (Washington) and The Edge (Madison).

1992 Somalia conflict, in The Edge (Madison), letter to Christian Science Monitor

1991 “The Geopolitics of the New Superpowers,” in Forward Motion (Boston), and The Edge (Madison).

1990-91 Persian Gulf Crisis, in Z magazine (Boston), The Guardian (New York), Shepherd Express (Milwaukee), Forward Motion (Boston), The Edge (Madison).(Predicted Gulf War Syndrome, during January 1991 war.)

1987-91 Draft Counseling in the Gulf War, published in Zmagazine when served as national associate director of the Committee Against Registration and the Draft (CARD), Madison, Wis. Produced national newsletter The Antidraft.

1986 “Inside the Philippine Resistance,” in Race and Class (London).

1985 Philippine nuclear power issues and labor movement, in Chicago Sun-Times (Chicago), Peace News (London), The Progressive (Madison), The Guardian (New York), Science for the People (Boston), Heartland (Chicago), Daily Cardinal (Madison).

1983 GI outreach by the European anti-nuclear movement, in Race Today (London), Peace News (London), The Guardian (New York), and Walking Point (California).

1983 Conflicts in Lebanon, Grenada, and Central America, in Daily Cardinal (Madison).

1983 Relations Between the Left and Indigenous Peoples (unpublished manuscript, from Directed Studies with University of Wisconsin-Madison History Professor Steve Stern).

1982-86 The Soviet nuclear program and Chernobyl, in In These Times (Chicago), Heartland (Chicago ), Northern Sun News (Minneapolis), Keep It In the Ground (Amsterdam).

1982 Interview with Mapuche leader Nilo Cayuqueo (JSTOR) on Indigenous peoples and the Left, in Latin American Perspectives (Berkeley), Native Peoples News(London), and Akwesasne Notes (Mohawk Nation).

1981 Project ELF naval antenna, in Northern Sun News (Minneapolis), The Guardian

1981 South African nuclear program and African uranium wars, in Milwaukee Courier (Wisconsin), Northern Sun News (Minneapolis), North Country Anvil (Minnesota), and Daily Cardinal (Madison). Map