Category: Community & Culture

Mary Hillaire, A Lasting Vision (1999) 34:00

This portrait of the late Mary Hillaire, Evergreen faculty and a member of the Lummi nation until her death in 1982, was produced by Marge Brown and Barbara…

Dr. Maya Angelou at Evergreen, "Rainbow in the Clouds." (2007) 85:16

On February 18, 2007 renowned author, poet and literary legend, Dr. Maya Angelou spoke to more then 3,000 people in the College Recreation Center’s gym. She was welcomed…

Whatever We Had We Have, Evergreen Scrapbook 1971-1996 (1996) 15:02

This video production was commissioned by Provost Barbara Leigh Smith to commemorate the “real” 25th anniversary of the college, that is, from the year that students arrived. It…

Community Artist Television 3: Not Sold In Stores (1987) 40:10

Advanced media students, faculty (Sally Cloninger and Phil Harding) and staff (Peter Randlette and Dick Fuller) formed an experimental media collective in spring ’87 to produce a weekly…

Community Artist Television 2: Rhythm (1987) 45:24

Advanced media students, faculty (Sally Cloninger and Phil Harding) and staff (Peter Randlette and Dick Fuller) formed an experimental media collective in spring ’87 to produce a weekly…

Community Artist Television 1: Who We Are (1987) 25:02

Advanced media students, faculty (Sally Cloninger and Phil Harding) and staff (Peter Randlette and Dick Fuller) formed an experimental media collective in spring ’87 to produce a weekly…

Mumia Abu-Jamal 1999 Graduation Speech (1999) 16:09

Evergreen’s 1999 commencement featured controversial activist and death row inmate, Mumia Abu-Jamal. National media outlets covered the pre-recorded address to Evergreen’s graduating class amid well-orchestrated opposition and protest….

Early Campus Planning Session (c. 1970) 3:47

Staff member Woody Hirzel took his trusty Bolex into the Board Room to document a meeting with architects about the campus master plan. This silent, unedited film gives…

First Evergreen Graduation (1972) 7:57

Poking around in the archives we found these 16mm reels shot by staff member, Woody Hirzel in the early 1970s. These color films are silent but provide a…

Celebrating Dr. Maxine Mimms (2007) 11:57

Maxine Mimms, founder of Evergreen’s Tacoma program, talks about her philosophy of education and life, weaving music, culinary arts, and teaching into her “Opera of Maxine Mimms.” Faculty…

Coolympia (2008) 23:15

Olympia’s first official student-produced experimental family television show. For the best in local animation, music, puppets, and silliness, fans tuned in on TCTV channel 22. Originally cable cast…

Ken Kesey Q&A (1974) 13:29

This rare archival footage shows the Q&A between author Ken Kesey and Evergreen students before his 1974 lecture at the college. Kesey discusses alternative education, his strategies for…

Ken Kesey Lecture (1974) 58:10

Author and cultural icon Ken Kesey speaks to Evergreen in 1974. He begins his lecture with a story about a young couple that arrives at his house on…

Lynda Barry Is Back (2008) 83:04

Alumna Lynda Barry returned to Evergreen for a series of workshops based on her book, What It Is. On November 5, 2008 she spoke to an overflow crowd…

20 Years of Making a Difference (1991) 29:09

This series of images, headlines and quotations from the first twenty years of Evergreen was originally shown at Evergreen’s Founding Festival in 1991. It was produced by Media…