The Evergreen Visual History Collection was developed by a team of faculty, staff and students as part of a Fund For Innovation grant (2008). The project history is available online (from the original grant proposal to the final report) on the Library Wiki. A highlight of this initiative to research, create and establish a visual history archive for the college included a summer institute that brought together current and emeritus faculty. These colleagues learned new skills in digital archiving techniques and many of them produced original projects for the collection. During 2008-09 the EVHA Advisory Board met to provide guidance and oversight. Consistent with many Evergreen projects, students had a very central voice in the creation of this collection. With the Advisory Board we decided to focus our efforts on the preservation of moving media from the early history of the college (1970-76) and you will find many examples of wonderful early video documents about Evergreen’s founding. We also selected a wide range of more contemporary materials to explore potential avenues for collection development. In the coming year we hope to continue to elicit more materials from the Evergreen community. We struggled with the technical aspects of delivering archival content online for many months.
The original grant proposal was developed and implemented by the team of Sally Cloninger, Peter Randlette, Randy Stilson, and Jules Unsel. Aaron Meola served as student producer and project intern. The Early History and Legacy portions of the site were curated by Aaron Meola ‘10, Jesse Callahan ‘09, Llyn De Danaan, Randy Stilson, and Sally Cloninger. The Student Media Projects section of the site was curated by Jana Bolotin ’09. Jason Schuller at Press 75 developed the TV Elements theme that we utilized for the collection. Electronic Media staff specifically helped with the preservation and digitization of this collection.
If you have ideas for the collection or materials that you think would work well in an online format, please contact us.
Omnia extares,
Sally J. Cloninger, Member of the Faculty, Media Arts
Project Coordinator
Aaron Meola, Evergreen ’10
Project Intern
the evergreen state college - original tree logo