This portrait of the late Mary Hillaire, Evergreen faculty and a member of the Lummi nation until her death in 1982, was produced by Marge Brown and Barbara Leigh Smith. The documentary uses interviews, archival footage and many sound recordings to document Mary’s influence on Evergreen. That influence was extensive: she contributed one of the five foci (”Teaching and learning across significant difference”), founded the reservation-based Native Studies program, and was committed to the creation of a longhouse on campus (something that she did not live to see). The film features Evergreen faculty Barbara Smith, Betsy Diffendal, Maxine Mimms, David Whitener, Colleen Ray, Lummi tribal members Pauline Hillaire, Edna Harper, Johnny Friday, and is narrated by Billy Frank Jr. (past Evergreen Trustee and member of the Nisqually Indian Tribe). Valerie Garrison (media student and EM employee) contributed camera work and editing.

(1999) Length 34:00
Produced by Marge Brown and Barbara Leigh Smith