“Is that safe?”- Suzanne Church, p.104 Makers
“The being of the potter is co-dependent and inter-weaved with the becoming of the pot.” -Lambros Malafouris, p. 212 How Things Shape the Mind
TOOL and GESTURE (What is your relationship to your mouse?)
conversation w/Student C:
“I prefer a wired, analog mouse… it feels like a physical presence is there”
there isn’t a lot of connection with more “delicate” tools
there’s less there,
[changes(/advances?) in design make your interactions with computers feel less and less mediated]
w/an older mouse, you can hear + feel it -> the tool responds back to you
(this is not a one-way channel)
What’s important about a mouse fitting into your palm? Or your palm fitting over it?
conversation w/Student E:
“I use the mouse with my non-dominant hand; I think of it as having a shorter blind man’s stick.”
(What makes us cognizant of our extensions?)