My Artistic Perception of the Beehive:

During this quarter I have asked myself many things. One of the oddest things I have asked myself is “How can I 3D-Print a beehive in the shape of something that changes the perception of bees altogether when looked at?” I believe, that in order to raise awareness of the major decline in bee populous thorughout the world, it is key that we should first portray or introduce the importance of bees in our everyday lives. In these two images, the top image is a beehive that was naturally constructed, and the bottom image is a beehive that was created for the production and harvest of honeycombs. There is two major differences in these beehives. The bottom one is also made of styrofoam.


Natural Beehives. Digital image. Gophoto, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.


Natural Beehives. Digital image. Gophoto, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.


Implementation in The Evergreen State College:

On the campus of The Evergreen State College, you will find two beehives that were man-made. I would like to go into further detail on how these beehives are used, but I have no knowledge on how people use them. These beehives are interesting since they wee made mostly out of recycled objects and cardboard.

DSCN0762  DSCN0761

My Tinkered Creation:

My tinkered creation is still in the process of being tinkered with, and so far I only have a little bit done. This is okay because I will be furthering my design with Adobe Illustrator in the very near future. My design I have ready, which is the beehive in the shape of a fetus which resembles the intricate structure that a beehive is, and also the care that we must provide to nurse them back into healthy population again.