
Kenneth Gaburo:

Mark Enslin:

Susan Parenti

Mark Sullivan:

  1. Questions to Ask a Piece of Music (Poem)
  2. The Performance of Gesture: Musical Gesture, Then, And Now (1984)

Elie Siegmeister: Music and Society

Arnold Schoenberg:

  • New Music, Outmoded Music, Style and Idea
  • English translation of Pierrot Lunaire poems

John Cage

  • Experimental Music
  • Experimental Music (Doctrine)

Hector Berlioz: Program notes to “Symphony Fantastique”

Iannis Xenakis and Morton Feldman: In Conversation

  • Suggested Listening List
  • Suggested Readings List

Stefan Wolpe:

  1. To Understand Music (1953)
  2. On Proportions (1960)
  3. Recollections of Stefan Wolpe (Austin Clarkson, Ed.) 

Liberetto to Offenbach’s Orpheus in the Underworld

Alban Berg:

  1. What is Atonality?
  2. Why is Schoenberg’s Music So Difficult to Understand?
  3. A Guide to “Wozzeck” (by Willi Reich)

Composition and Technology

  • Pierre Boulez: Technology and the Composer
  • Gottfried Michael Koenig: Compositional Processes