Plant Profiles in Chemical Ecology

The Secret Life of Plants

Category Asteraceae

Sunflowers : Beautiful, oily, and versatile

For having a relatively short evolutionary history, the common sunflower has found a place in many aspects of everyday life. From food, cosmetics, and even fuel, the sunflower is as versatile as they come.

Thujone: Psychedelic, Potent Cancer Treatment, or Poison?

Thujone is a terpene compound present in an infamous and well-used plant, Artemisia absinthium, or Wormwood, a source of medicine, drunkenness, and psychedelic experiences for centuries.

Take Back Your Uterus with this Psychedelic Herb of the Ancient World

Fight the Patriarchy! In the era of Trump, this magical weed can help women fight the power and take control of their reproductive rights!

Yarrow: The Healing Herb of Achilles

          Yarrow has served as a first-aid plant for centuries, if not millenia, of human existence.  Even in this age of chemical medicine, it has lost none of its effectiveness.  

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