Week 18 Physics IDEAl Solution and Quiz 13 Correction

The IDEAl solution for the week is based on, but different from, the back page of Quiz 13. Attached are the original quiz and the IDEAl solution assignment; your IDEAl solution answer can serve as corrections for the back page of the quiz, so you need not do both.

I do want to emphasize on the IDEAl solutions that you need to justify your formulas, if even briefly. You are being asked to calculate twelve values (Q, W and change in S for each of the 4 processes of a Carnot cycle); many are zero and the rest use formulas you can find in the text. You should be able to justify in a few words why each is applicable. For instance, if a process were isochoric you should know right away that W=0. Write something like, “W=0 because there is no volume change, and W=-integral (p dV)” Or if a process were isobaric, you should write, “W=-p(V_2-V1) (isobaric process)” rather than simply writing the formula alone. This is what I mean by justifying your use of a formula – by identifying in a few words the relevant physics of the situation. You have a bunch of formulas for work; you need to make it clear why you chose the one you did!

Download (DOCX, 65KB)

Download (DOCX, 1.23MB)

No Week 18 Math Reading Responses

  • No Week 18 Math Reading Responses.
  • I did not get them up in a timely fashion, so I have canceled them for this week.
  • Please still prepare for class by completing the reading.
  • If you have questions you would particularly like answered or concepts you would particularly like covered, please send me an email.
  • Notes:
    • For 6.6, read section on Work and skip sections on Hydrostatic Pressure and Force; Moments and Center of Mass
    • For 7.2, read section on Directions Fields and skip section on Euler’s Method
    • Read all of 7.1 and 7.3

Week 18 Reading and Schedule

  • Chemistry: McMurray & Fay 12.4-12.6; 12.7-12.10
  • Math: Stewart 6.6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
    • For 6.6, read section on Work and skip sections on Hydrostatic Pressure and Force; Moments and Center of Mass
    • For 7.2, read section on Directions Fields and skip section on Euler’s Method
    • Math Reading Responses due via WebAssign 3pm Sun. Feb. 25 No Math Reading Responses this week
  • Physics: Wolfson 26.1-26.8
    • Physics Reading Response due via MasteringPhysics 6pm Sun. Feb. 25

Physics: the coming week (Week 18)

First, I will not assign a new IDEAl problem for this week. I owe you feedback and you need some time to work on poster drafts.

Second, as a reminder, the Week 18 quiz next Wednesday covers both chapters 18 and 19 from Wolfson (all the thermodynamics we have done in physics). Bear this in mind as you create your index cards.

Delayed Start, Thu. Feb. 22

  • We have a delayed start due to weather on Thursday February 22.
  • Campus opens and class begins at 10am.
    • Our modified class schedule for today is below.
  • You should prioritize your safety first (and always).
    • Arrive when you can, even if late.
    • Get notes from a classmate for any missed material.
  • Modified Class Schedule, Thu. Feb. 22
    • 10:00 – 11:15  Chemistry Lecture (quiz later today, see below)
    • 11:15 – 12:15  Lunch Break
    • 12:15 – 1:05  Physics Workshop (but we’ll be available starting at noon)
    • 1:05 – 1:15  (Short) Break
    • 1:15 – 2:05  Math Workshop
    • 2:05 – 2:15  Short Wrap to talk about poster peer review
    • 2:15 – 2:45  Chemistry Quiz

Delayed start until 10am, Wed. Feb. 21

We have a delayed start on Wednesday February 21, presumably due to weather. Campus opens and class begins at 10am. If your commute in to campus is more dangerous or difficult this morning, please prioritize your safety (well, you should always prioritize your safety) over on-time attendance; you can always get notes from a classmate.

To add to our day, we’ve been informed that our classroom might be cold this morning. We’ve been advised to dress warm, just in case (probably you should be dressing warm today, anyway).

Be safe.