Partial Credit Options

Students with previous background in calculus or chemistry are encouraged to take the full 16 credit program as the integration of calculus, chemistry, and physics enhances learning in all subject areas. However, students who have successfully earned credit in college-level general chemistry with lab with satisfactory achievement or better may consider a partial credit option: 10 credits in calculus and physics. Students interested in this option should register for the full 16 credits, then contact faculty Krishna Chowdary to discuss the reduced credit option.

Students interested in this partial credit option will be asked:

  • If they took general chemistry here at Evergreen, to provide their evaluation (both program description and the faculty evaluation of their work).
  • If they took college gen chem somewhere else (for example community college), to provide as much of the following information as they can provide: where they took it, when they took it, their professor’s name, the course description, what textbook they used, and what their final course grades were.