Math Resources page updated with more Calculus Drill Resources

The Math Resources page (also available via the About link in the navigation bar) has been updated to describe some more Calculus Drill Resources added to WebAssign, this time related to the special techniques for integration material we will cover in week 11, right upon our return from winter break: integration using substitution and integration by parts.

Scroll down to the bottom of the Math Resources page (maybe reminding yourself of some of the other resources on that page) to find them.

Winter Energy Project Assignment Overview

Many of you expressed excitement and curiosity about the winter quarter interdisciplinary project on energy.

  • You can find the Energy Project Assignment at the Energy Project page (also linked using the main navigation menu). The Energy Project page collects together all the pieces of the project. (slightly updated 1/7/18).
  • We will provide a paper copy of the assignment on the first day of class, so no need to print out.
  • Please read it over and start to brainstorm ideas you are interested in.
  • Comments for this post are turned on, so you can ask clarifying questions at the bottom of the post and we’ll do our best to answer them.

Energy bill assignment

Wherever you are this winter break that you identify as “home”, please obtain a copy of an energy bill that you can bring with you back to campus (an original, a copy, a scan, or a photo are fine, as long as they are clear, all relevant information can be seen, and you can bring a physical copy or printout to class; feel free to obscure personal information like name, street address, account number, etc.).

  • If possible, obtain several months worth.
  • If you have trouble obtaining an energy bill, please contact the faculty as soon as possible.

Week 11 Reading

  • Chemistry: McMurray & Fay 7.5 – 7.11, 11.3
  • Math: Stewart 5.5, 5.7 (skip Partial Fractions), 5.6
    • Math Reading Responses due via WebAssign 6pm Sun. Jan 7
  • Physics: Wolfson 13.1 – 13.5
    • Physics Reading Response due via MasteringPhysics 8pm Sun. Jan. 7

Schedule for Fall Quarter Conferences

  • Fall quarter end joint conferences are in Lab 2 room 3270.
  • Check your time here. You will need to be logged in to the site to access this page.
  • Self-Evaluations were due Fri. Dec. 8 by 3pm, to be posted at your Make sure you shared them with faculty so we can view them. You’ve received a separate email if we were unable to view your Self-Evaluation.
  • Academic Statement drafts were also due Fri. Dec. 8 by 3pm, to be posted to your Please double-check that you’ve done that.


Math Exam 2 Revision info

  • You can find detailed guidelines for Math Exam 2 Problem-solving Revisions and Reflections here.
  • You will need a password to access this page. The password is the name of the singer that starts with the letter A from Multiple Choice Question 4.
  • Math Exam 2 Revisions are due 9am Mon. Dec. 11 to Lab 2 3255 (Krishna’s office).