Math Quiz #5 Revision and Reflection

  • Blank copy of Math Quiz #5
  • Math Quiz #5 Revisions & Reflection are due 9am Mon. Nov. 13
  • Who should submit a Math Quiz Revision & Reflection? All students are invited to submit a Math Quiz #5 Revision & Reflection for as many problems as you choose to revise and resubmit.
  • Math Quiz Revision Detailed Guidelines
    • You may utilize any resource available to you, but submitted work must reflect your own personal understanding of the material.
    • The care you take in presenting your work will be considered when evaluating it, so pay attention to organization, neatness, etc.
    • Revisions must be neat, complete, and presented in a logical, clear-to-understand fashion, on a new copy of the quiz.
    • Please do not re-submit original quiz – that is for you to keep.
    • Since these are revisions, a higher standard will be used to evaluate your responses. Essentially, your revised solutions should be of the highest quality you can produce.
    • You may revise any problems you choose, and must present a complete solution to any problem you choose to revise (not just a part of a problem).
    • For multiple choice/fill-in-the-blank type questions, your revised solution should completely and clearly explain your reasoning (even though no explanation was required on the original quiz).
  • Math Quiz Meta-cognitive Reflection (optional but highly recommended)

    • In addition to revising the problems and in an attempt to help solidify your learning, attend to gaps, build a firm conceptual and procedural foundation for future work, and help you improve your study habits, I invite you to complete a meta-cognitive reflection asking you to analyze your performance on the quiz.
    • For each problem you choose to revise and submit, you are invited to answer the following questions. Submit these responses on their own sheet of paper, typed up or written up neatly, with your name, separate from the revised quiz.
      1. Name/describe the algebra/pre-calculus and calculus concepts and procedures needed for this problem.
      2. Identify specifically (e.g. which Reading Response, Lecture, Math Lab, Problem Set, and/or Quiz: give a specific identifier) where you had a chance to learn/practice these concepts and procedures.
      3. Identify specifically what the gaps were for you in demonstrating your learning for this problem. This is intended to help your learning. There are two extremes to be aware of: i) Self-flagellation. Use self-compassion, like we discussed in the Week 5 Seminar, and don’t beat yourself up; ii) Ego-protection. Use honesty and critical thinking to avoid bluffing yourself.
      4. Name/describe strategies you can actually and realistically practice to address the gaps you identified in the previous step, to turn them into opportunities for learning and improvement.