Final Project Deadlines

For those doing spring projects:

Class-based projects, please update your Google Doc no later than 9 am Monday (6/11). Email me a copy of your certificate of completion no later than that time.

Other projects, please put a copy of your project paper in the appropriate folder in the workspace no later than 9 am Monday.

Tuesday Morning Presentation Practice

For those students doing projects:

You will be giving a dry run of your Science Carnival presentation on Tuesday morning starting at 9:00 am.

We’ll be meeting in Lecture Hall 5, which is not what I announced on Thursday.

If you’re a M&M student who can’t make it to Science Carnival, you are expected to come help evaluate the presentations.

Enjoy your weekend!

Quick intro to Spring Projects

Students’ projects for spring quarter are turning out to be very varied. Here are a few answers to student questions.

Project Outputs

  •  For literature- or lab-based projects, you will be submitting two outputs: A review or research paper, and a 20-minute Powerpoint presentation during Science Carnival.
  • If you are taking an online course instead of completing a project, your sole output for the quarter will be a certificate of completion from the online course (along with other process checks agreed to with your supervising faculty). If your course does not offer such a certificate, check in with Robin for acceptable output.

Class time devoted to Student Projects

  • Thursday, 9-10 am every week, will be devoted to project process time and/or check-ins.
  • Weeks 26-29 of what would normally be chemistry lab time (Tues 9-12) will be devoted to project work. Some of this will be open time to do lab work if necessary, and some will be devoted to process elements (like peer review of presentations).
  • There will also be time carved from physics (exact times still TBA).

Approximate Timeline

  • Week 21: Draft of project proposal due by 9 am Thursday (4/5). We will refine this draft during project time to include learning objectives.
  • Week 22: Final project proposal due 9 am Thursday (4/12). First set of students do proposal/background presentations.
  • Week 23: Second set of students do proposal/background presentations
  • Week 24: Annotated bibliography due 9 am 4/23. Students discuss annotated bibliographies with Robin.
  • Week 25: no in-class project work–get a solid draft ready for week 26!
  • Week 26: Peer Review of first half of papers (Introduction/Background, Materials and Methods, Preliminary Results/Analysis/Discussion)
  • Week 27: First set of students do preliminary results presentations
  • Week 28: Second set of students do preliminary results presentations
  • Week 29:
    • (Tues/Wed): final presentations for faculty/other project students
    • (Fri) present at Science Carnival (NOTE: All students in M&M are to attend Science Carnival Presentations, please arrange your schedules)
  • Week 30: Final project papers due 9 am Thursday


Revised Reading Schedule for Chemistry

Here’s a revised reading schedule for the quarter.

Apologies for taking so long to get this to you. If I’d just shifted everything one lecture slot later, you would have done two labs before you’d reached the concepts in lecture. 

Adjustments: We will be having a quick lecture (~20 min) on properties of liquid/gas interactions (section 11.4) before the start of lab on 2/20. We will also have a full-length lecture/workshop on entropy and free energy before our lab clean on 3/6. 

Download (PDF, 48KB)

Info for soaps lab

As a reminder, Chemistry students will be working with their groups to make two soaps and one detergent. 

The oils we have available for soap making are as follows:

  • Coconut
  • Avocado
  • Olive
  • Almond
  • Corn
  • Grapeseed
  • Vegetable
  • Walnut
  • Sesame

Please consult with your group and pick two oils to use before coming to lab next Tuesday.