Due: 10 AM Monday:  Final CST post and Individual Yes Naturally-like chapter and Affinity Group Presentation.  Check out Sarah’s “if I were you” suggestions for creating your final CST post and/or Yes Naturally like favorite/best CST post: FinalSuzanne-likeCST

Particulars:  30 – 40 minute presentation per group with 10 – 20 minutes Q&A

Monday 10:00 – 12:00 | Affinity Group Presentations.  Free time for rehearsal until The Path starts at 11:00 (CAL)

Monday 1:00 – 3:00 | Affinity Group Presentations Art Things, Imagineers  (Sem II E1105)

Tuesday 10:00 – 12:00 | Affinity Group Presentations Body Politics, Bio-Medical Things, Music Group (CAL)

Tuesday 1:00 – 3:00 | Self Eval Workshop:  Bring 3 copies of your double-spaced, best possible Self-Evaluation for Fall quarter  (Computer Center 2617)

Your self-evaluation needs to address the “how” of your work regarding each of the “whats” listed in the program description.  Read the program description and suggested credit equivalencies with care!

Download (DOCX, 124KB)

Note: The Writing Center has self-eval writing workshops and individual tutoring sessions available for anyone wanting more support for creating a program self-evaluation or academic statement.

Wednesday 10:00 – 1:00 | Shipwreck Beads Field Trip:

Bring your “Pearls”–the paper beads you made at the retreat– for stringing.  Many of you might want to make more beads in preparation!  Meet at front of C Lot Parking lot at 9:30, returning by 1:30.  See Forums to sign up for car rides.

Thursday 9:00 – 11:00 | Seminar (Sem II A3105)

DUE: Seminar Token; Revised, Final Self-Evaluation (on official form, proofread, spell-checked)

Have read: Makers (M): 381-416, Maker Manifesto (MM): Ch 10 & Conclusion

Plus both or either of:

1) “By His Things Will You Know Him,” short story by Cory Doctorow at http://boingboing.net/2013/06/13/by-his-things-will-you-know-hi.html

2) “3D Printer: Passive Consumer to Active Creator?” short video by PBS OffBook at http://boingboing.net/2013/03/01/pbs-short-documentary-about-3d.html

WEEK ELEVEN NOTICE:   Academic Statement (revise version of previous program evals for outside audience) is due at time of Evaluation Conference with your seminar faculty.  Don’t make travel reservations until you’ve arranged a week eleven conference.