
This rough image acts as kindling in which to heat the flames underneath my project. After a mirad of failed prototypes ranging from hinged rings, jump rings, semicircular clips, clamps, and now open links. In CAD, chainmail is one of the simplest things generatable, yet the ability to print chainmail style fabric that can be continuously added to is proving to be quite difficult for the machine to process, as well as it difficult to design around fickle parameters. I’ve included my many failures as well as one in the process of happening that I took on my iPhone on 11/14, accompanied by a picture of a 3d printed bra (which, yes, I am aware exists thank you) and a closed chainmail style fabric. The quote i incorporated is the conceptual spine in which my project is based and from theorist Jose Muñoz. The figure at the bottom is Kat, my model and friend, who will be the recipient of this garment once this program is complete. This rough collage is a reflective of my current anxieties around this piece: the surmounting errors, the thesis I work to articulate, and the person I am doing this work for are all factors that are dependent on the completion of this work, and this honestly scares me. Although the completion of this project is being approached with trepidation, I have confidence that the end result will be cohesive and informative.

3D-printed-bra.jpg. 2012. Http:// Web. 16 Nov. 2014. .
FOC-3d-printed-textiles.jpg. N.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2014. .