Making Meaning Matter

The Evergreen State College

Author: robaus29


“Suzanne was writing down what everyone said and that kept it all civil, like a silent camera rolling in the corner of the room.  No one looked at her, but she was the thing they were conspicuously not looking at.” (Doctorow 88)

If we are being observed at every step of the way with the Blue Rabbit Project, how will our ideas and creations be affected?  On Monday, one student expressed some regret in displaying their work.  I regret not interrogating further on why they felt that way.  Inevitably we will have to explain the meaning in our ideas, and if that meaning is deemed too personal too share, what do we do?  Do we foresee this problem and work on something less personal/meaningful?  Do we throw away our inhibitions and share?  The constant observations will undoubtedly affect the ideas showcased in this program.


Works Cited

Doctorow, Cory. Makers. New York: Tor, 2009. Print.


CST Week One

One fellow student, that I did not catch the name of, said that modeling using TinkerCad was like “sculpting on a computer.”  Are we moving further and further towards doing everything on  a computer?  We can grocery shop, communicate, do almost anything on a computer.  At what point do we decide that we prefer real-world activities more than their digital counterparts?  More and more things are becoming possible with computers, and while I personally love this, I know many others don’t.  Is seeing a bunch of teens with their faces glued to cell phones any different from a bunch of teens with their faces glued to a book?