“Signification is construed as a ‘”stands for”‘ or ‘”means”‘ relationship between a signified and a signifier that implies what the anthropolgist Edmund Leach (1976) termed a “‘communication event”‘ — that is, the transmission of a message between a sender and a receiver.” (Malafouris 91)

“Stories are how we understand the world, and technology is how we choose our stories” (Doctorow 176)

It is true that I am not the only one who has ever used my phone in class, and this CST is written to focus on the question; Why is it that we are numbing or hiding ourselves from the education that we emerge ourselves into in the first place? May I start by discussing the structure of the classrooms we are in. Now that there are more screens than ever for students to look at I believe that this may also subliminally teach us that it is okay to pull out yet another one, because what extra harm can it cause? This may also come into context with the strength that an individual has to focus on something without being disturbed by the buzz of a cellphone. With iPads being used in public education instead of textbooks isn’t this going against the “no technology in class” rule? In my high school the approach to technology was not to fight it but to work with it. We were allowed to pull out our phones in the middle of class because fighting it in the first place never did any good. Teachers just stopped caring. What is stopping us in class to commit ourselves to a “communication event” that is outside of class and with the technology we have today what is stopping us from traveling to a different part of our reality mentally by the simple use of a cellphone, but still remain in class physically? This technology is taking us to a different story outside of class. One definition for “screen” is something that protects or conceals something, but I believe a more proper use of this definition today would be something that protects or conceals “someone” instead of “something.”