“That is to say, mind was viewed as a storehouse of passive internal representational structures and procedures—a ‘filing cabinet’ capable of receiving and manipulating internally the sensory information received from the ‘outside’ world.” (Malafouris 26)
What is the product of internal representational passivity? In what ways do our creations embody internalized-thought-passiveness? In an attempt to give something representational value, what differences (between internal and external//mind and body) must be mediated first?
In combining week four’s readings with my week four CST observations I found myself over and over coming back to this idea of “passivity” in relation to representation (our attempts to mark something as valuable). It is interesting to me to challenge this idea, and to try to think of ways in which I am capable of stepping into and out of “passive” and “active” roles//modes.
(sry for not including a suzanne question, this quote from how things shape the mind seemed particularly relevant to my cst notes & questions of my own)