Within the depths of the ocean,  resides many different forms of life some that appears to be almost alien by comparison. Through evolution these creatures have developed an interesting defense mechanism for fighting off predators. When threatened this type of Shrimp vomits a sort of bioluminescent goo that both stuns their predator and leaves them defenseless. From WIRED, “this crustacean was one of the jewels of the tour – a representation of a shrimp named Acanthephyra Purpurea that spews a bioluminescent cloud from its mouth when attacked. The burst of bright barf is enough to put would-be predators off their tea”. 

My rendition of this defense mechanism!


For this creature, their lives exist within the black void of the deep ocean, despite of this their eyes are very well developed but they see for the most part using antennae. Their predators consist of but are not limited to Angler Fish, The Gulper Eel, Viper Fish (pictured), and Humans. They are bright red in color but due to red light rays not really being able to reach such depths they appear mostly invisible unless illuminated by some other form of light (bioluminescence, human interference). Their diets are mostly carnivorous eating smaller crustaceans or fish they encounter, because life is scarce at the depths that they reside they are able to go for weeks at a time without eating anything.






