I.  Learn to name and recognize native plants and animals.

II.  Learn the Coast Salish Lushootseed Names for Plants and Animals. 

Long before scientists gave us scientific names, the Lushootseed speaking people of Puget Sound (Salish Sea) named the plants and animals of our area.  Learning these names help you appreciate that for over 8,000 years people have been caring for the plants and animals in our region.  When you visit another country, it’s only polite to learn a few phrases of acknowledgement.  If you choose to learn more about Lushootseed, you can see how many of the names developed from the sounds that animals and earth elements speak.  You will discover how the place, animal and plant names are woven into stories and calendar that are specific to our place and teach cultural values. 

In our region, there are different dialects of Lushootseed.  On the website, I have included the northern pronunciations from the Tulalip encyclopedia.  Locally (Puyallup, Nisqually, and Squaxin tribes) speak a different dialect called Twulshootseed.  The Puyallup Tribal Language Program is dedicated to increasing the number of Twulshootseed speakers by incorporating the language into daily life.   

Here are resources I have found helpful.

  • Bates, Dawn, Thom Hess and Vi Hilbert, Lushootseed Dictionary, Seattle, Wa:  University of Washington Press, 1994

  • Tulalip Lushootseed Encyclopedia https://tulaliplushootseed.com/encyclopedia:  includes voice pronunciation for many Lushootseed words.

  • TT Waterman, Vi Hilbert, Jay Miller and Zalmai Zahir, Puget Sound Geography, Federal Way, WA:  Lushootseed Press, 2001  A rich compilation of indigenous place names that has much to teach us. 
  • The Puyallup Tribal Language Program offers language instruction and resources:  http://www.puyalluptriballanguage.org/ 

III.  Create or Enhance Backyard, School or Neighborhood Habitats with Native Plants

  • Books
    • Kruckeberg, Arthur R., and Linda Chalker-Scott, Gardening with Native Plants of the Pacific Northwest, Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2019
    • Link, Russell, Landscaping for Wildlife in the Pacific Northwest, Seattle, WA:  University of Washington Press in Association with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 1999
    • Pettinger, April, Native Plants in the Coastal Garden:  A Guide for Gardeners in the Pacific Northwest.  Portland, Oregon:  Timber Press, 2003
    • Stark, Eileen M. Real Gardens Grow Natives, Seattle, WA:  Skipstone Press, 2014
  • Where to Buy Native Plants.  The most comprehensive list of where to buy native plants and seeds in the Pacific Northwest is kept by the Washington Native Plant Society.  Click here to see the 2020 List:  https://www.wnps.org/content/documents/plants/gardening/native-plant-seed-sources_2-28-2020.pdf
  • Native Plant Garden Designers

IV.  Get Involved with Organizations Working to Conserve Native Plant Habitats for Wildlife.

V.  Join Citizen Science Efforts