Spring Physics Final Exam info

  • The spring Physics Final Exam is Week 30 Monday June 4 starting promptly at 9am in our regular classroom Purce Lecture Hall Classroom 5.
    • This exam covers all material from spring quarter.
    • We will ask for the exam to be submitted by 12:30pm.
    • The Chemistry Exam Review begins at 1pm.
  • For the exam, you will be allowed:
    • your calculating device;
    • your writing tools;
    • scratch paper (provided);
    • personally prepared 8.5inch by 11inch note sheet (both sides).

Math Exam 6 Revision

    • Blank copy of Math Exam 6, for those of you who would like to get started on revisions.
    • We have a Math Exam Revision Workshop scheduled from 1:00 – 2:00 on Tue. June 5 (followed by Physics Exam Revision Workshop from 2:00 – 3:30).
    • Exam Revisions due Fri. June 8 by 5pm (slip under Lab 2 3255 office door).
    • No Meta-Cognitive Reflection required, thought it is recommended as a tool for your own learning.

Math Exam 6 info

  • Math Exam 6 is Week 29 Thursday May 31 starting promptly at 9am in our regular classroom Purce Lecture Hall Classroom 5.
    • This exam covers Chapter 11 (excluding 11.2 and 11.8) and Chapter 12.1 – 12.5.
    • We will ask for the exam to be submitted by 12:30pm.
    • The Physic Exam Review begins at 1pm.
  • For the exam, you will be allowed:
    • your calculating device;
    • your writing tools;
    • scratch paper (provided);
    • personally prepared 8.5inch by 11inch note sheet (both sides).

Tuesday Morning Presentation Practice

For those students doing projects:

You will be giving a dry run of your Science Carnival presentation on Tuesday morning starting at 9:00 am.

We’ll be meeting in Lecture Hall 5, which is not what I announced on Thursday.

If you’re a M&M student who can’t make it to Science Carnival, you are expected to come help evaluate the presentations.

Enjoy your weekend!