Eirik Steinhoff teaches and co-teaches interdisciplinary programs with titles like “How to do things with words,” “Imperialisms,” “Forensics,” “A New Middle East,” “Literary Arts Toolkit,” “Words/Woods,” and “Gateways for Incarcerated Youth” at The Evergreen State College, where he has been a … Continue reading Read More →

Art Lecture Series // Spring, 2018 Week 2, 4/11 Eirik Steinhoff, writer ( http://afieryflyingroule.tumblr.com/), editor, educator Week 4, 4/25 Fionn Meade,  curator, writer and thinker specializing in museums and non-profits Week 6, 5/9 TBD Week 8, 5/23 Molly Zuckerman-Hartung,  visual artist in painting and writing Week 10, … Continue reading Read More →