As mentioned in a previous post, the Chemistry quiz will be on Tuesday in Week 9. However, chemistry quiz revisions are not due until the usual time on Thursday. Please also remember that you have the following chemistry assignments due in Week 9:
(1) Lab write-up for the ionic compound lab following the guidelines in your lab manual. This should be written individually and is due at the start of lab on Tuesday morning.
(2) Powerpoint presentation on the ionic compound lab. You and your group will put together the slides and present before the class during your normal lab time. The Powerpoint presentation on putting together a good Powerpoint presentation is in the file share under the Chemistry Handouts, Lab folder. A copy of the rubric we will be using to evaluate the presentations will be uploaded to the file share later (I am having server problems right now) and is also attached below.
Please email Robin a copy of your group’s Powerpoint before you arrive in class so all of the presentations can be loaded on the computer and ready to go in a timely fashion.
(3) Mastering Chemistry Homework. Since I would like you to spend extra time preparing for your presentation, I have given you an extra day to finish the last homework assignment. It is now due on Wednesday, November 30.
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