Some reminders/announcements about assignments:
- As of this post, a number of students hadn’t begun Math Problem Set #7, which is due Fri. Nov. 24 by 6pm via WebAssign.
- There are Reading Responses in Math due Sun. Nov. 26 by 6pm via WebAssign and Physics due Sun. Nov. 26 by 8pm via MasteringPhysics.
- Quiz Revisions are due as normal.
- Physics Week 8 HW: CH 10 is due Mon. Nov. 27 by 6pm via MasteringPhysics as normally scheduled.
- Here is a post about Mandatory Lab Clean-up.
- Here is a separate detailed post about Week 9 Chemistry assignments.
- Our last seminar of the quarter is Thu. Nov. 30 from 9 – 11am. Here are the Week 9 Seminar Readings and Writing Prompts.
- Math Problem Set #8 will be due Fri. Dec. 1 by 6pm via WebAssign.
- The Physics Week 9 HW will be due Sat. Dec. 2 by 6pm via MasteringPhysics: note the non-standard due date, which is to accommodate exams in Week 10.