Fall week 8 and 9 Assignments reminders

Some reminders/announcements about assignments:

  1. As of this post, a number of students hadn’t begun Math Problem Set #7, which is due Fri. Nov. 24 by 6pm via WebAssign.
  2. There are Reading Responses in Math due Sun. Nov. 26 by 6pm via WebAssign and Physics due Sun. Nov. 26 by 8pm via MasteringPhysics.
  3. Quiz Revisions are due as normal.
  4. Physics Week 8 HW: CH 10 is due Mon. Nov. 27 by 6pm via MasteringPhysics as normally scheduled.
  5. Here is a post about Mandatory Lab Clean-up.
  6. Here is a separate detailed post about Week 9 Chemistry assignments.
  7. Our last seminar of the quarter is Thu. Nov. 30 from 9 – 11am. Here are the Week 9 Seminar Readings and Writing Prompts.
  8. Math Problem Set #8 will be due Fri. Dec. 1 by 6pm via WebAssign.
  9. The Physics Week 9 HW will be due Sat. Dec. 2 by 6pm via MasteringPhysics: note the non-standard due date, which is to accommodate exams in Week 10.