Jennifer Steensma Hoag – Compromised Beauty

Now showing through Dec 11th 2015



Galerie Fotoland Presents Compromised Beauty



Galerie Fotoland presents a series of photographs by Michigan-based artist Jennifer Steensma Hoag. Compromised Beauty features large, digital prints and works within the contexts of landscape photography and the field of ecotoxicology, which studies the effects of toxic chemicals that pose a significant risk to humans and entire ecosystems. Steensma Hoag writes in her artist statement, “Photographs of beautiful landscapes are complicated by the inclusion of figures in Hazmat suits working within the scene, suggesting contamination of the environment. In this series I explore the correlation between pristine environmental beauty and perceived environmental health, and the impact of humans on the environment.”


Jennifer Steensma Hoag is a conceptual artist that works primarily in photography and video. She is a professor in the Department of Art & Art History at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan where she has taught for the past twenty years. Hoag’s photographs have been exhibited at universities and art centers across the country.


Compromised Beauty is exhibited in dialog with concurrent exhibitions on campus. In the Evergreen Gallery, Sensations that Announce the Future (through December 2). In the Evergreen Library two displays: Panels from The AIDS Memorial Quilt (through October 30) and from Special Collections archival materials from Thurston County’s Nuclear Freeze Movement. In concert these exhibitions focus campus-wide attention on this year’s book-in-common Thinking in an Emergency.



Galerie Fotoland is located in the library lobby first floor, outside Photoland.



Galerie Fotoland Presents Compromised Beauty



Galerie Fotoland Presents Compromised Beauty