This “Climate Justice and Resilience” website is a hub for collaboration among faculty, staff, students, and the general public at The Evergreen State College (Olympia, Washington) who are studying the climate crisis, with a view toward building a more regenerative and transformative society.

In 2020-21, we are holding an online Climate Justice and Resilience Speaker and Event Series, centered on the Climate Academy program, and involving other programs that study climate themes.

The speaker and event series builds on the Anthropocene series (2015-16), two Indigenous Climate Justice Symposia (2015-17), the “Water is Life” forum (2017), “The Waters Connect Us” forum (2018),  the “Nurturing Roots” forum (2019), and other collaborative events at Evergreen.

The Climate Academy is inspired by the Pandemic Academy, which studied the emerging health crisis in spring 2020, and the ensuing Pandemic Academy: Collaborative Individual Learning Contracts in summer 2020.

We find Evergreen’s unique interdisciplinary learning communities as ideal venues for studying the many interrelated effects of the climate crisis, and methodologies to construct climate justice and resilience. The Pacific Northwest region is in many ways on the cutting edge of climate consciousness and innovation.  We look forward to collaborating within Evergreen, and with partners around our community, continent, and world.