Artwork, videos, and presentations developed for the International Symposium 2023.

In Chinese medicine Spleen and Stomach are associated with the Earth. In the symbolic drawing by Tobias M. the splenic artery looks like an image of the Silk Roads that since ancient times connected cultures of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Group 8, Evergreen:

Group 5, Evergreen: FALL FOODS Cookbook

Group 1, Evergreen: The Power of Fall Season

The Power of Fall 

Tony Taylor: “How to Bounce Back: Autumn & the Self-Connection to Resilience”


Group 10, Evergreen: Peace In Oneself, Peace In the World



“Travel Vietnam” website developed by students from Vietnam


Cu l t u r a l   Be a u t y  o f  t h e
a n c i e n t  Ca p i t a l Tiem Tra Hue

 My Trach Traditional Mat Village

Group 4, Evergreen: Fall Season


Group 7, Evergreen: Food Insecurity


Group 3, Evergreen: Int’l Symposium Group 3

HOLO – Stay With Local (Vietnam)

Daklak Tour (Vietnam)


Group 9: Connection Between Humans and Nature

Group 2 Presentation: What is Special about the Fall Season

Group 6: Reconnecting With the Earth and Our Origins

Student Artwork by Amy Nichols representing the Fall Season for the International Symposium (The Evergreen State College): 

Student Artwork for the International Symposium by Ashana Ross
(The Evergreen State College): 

“Health of Life,” by students from VIT University, Vellore, India