Winter 2020 AUDIO RECORDING 02

Wednesday  5:30pm – 9:30pm, Communications Building 110

Instructor: Zenaida Vergara; Adjunct Member of the Faculty

Audio Recording 02 is the second in a two-quarter sequence in which students continued to work with analog and digital audio recording.  Major topics included: multi-track digital audio production, acoustics and reverberation, signal processing and microphone applications.  Students also continued to work with analog multi-track recording and analog consoles.  For the lab experience each student will complete two multi-track recording projects.

The main objectives for the course included:

Digital multi-track recording and mixing,

API 1608 audio console signal flow,

Signal processing,

Acoustics, reamping, and reverberation.

Credit:   4 credit hours;  Required Textbook: Modern Recording Techniques 9th edition Huber and Runstein

Hours: The Audio Recording course represents 4 hours of in-class instruction per week.  Students should plan on 6 – 8 hours outside class for reading, lab, exercises and completing audio-related projects.

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