Series SEE3 (embrace) by Herbert Brün

The original embraces were each about 2 feet high and 6 feet wide.
The following PDF files are all reduced to 11″ high and 17″ wide.

Brün’s original program allowed an embrace to have one of four shapes (shown below), and one of four densities.
Examples of each combination is given below.

The number (below) used to identify each graphic, is the numeric seed used to start the process that generated that graphic.

Shape: neat circular—neat elliptical—neat circular

Density: 3 Seed: 123 2807650773 391315999
Density: 4 Seed: 2364824537 4028304549 3822496561
Density: 5 Seed: 1646453629 639501307 3219693929
Density: 6 Seed: 3036277575 2194958887 1820350727

Shape: neat circular—fuzzy elliptical—neat circular

Density: 3 Seed: 2209724391 3844413937 1549966571
Density: 4 Seed: 2616710997 245784993 3178311085
Density: 5 Seed: 3349342073 3498955079 1111955973
Density: 6 Seed: 630005043 2404217907 2108279603

Shape: fuzzy circular—neat elliptical—fuzzy circular

Density: 3 Seed: 1621238323 3913960333 1550550487
Density: 4 Seed: 3669529489 3206897405 1385583657
Density: 5 Seed: 1215823637 156507603 1914976129
Density: 6 Seed: 3924020127 3493729631 584982303

Shape: neat fuzzy circular—neat fuzzy elliptical—neat fuzzy circular

Density: 3 Seed: 3817072863 3455001129 460499555
Density: 4 Seed: 366766093 340045785 4220236133
Density: 5 Seed: 1919260849 1274023151 2196225309
Density: 6 Seed: 3975239867 1764655467 4112983579