This is a live, studio production of Sally Cloninger’s final 5th year review.  She combined a monologue about her work as a teacher and co-learner at Evergreen with clips from her own films and videos as well as program documentation of some of her “performative” lectures.  Included: an excerpt from a documentary that was commissioned by the Hoh Indian Tribe, Sally as Lucille Ball lecturing on women, stereotypes and comedy, footage of Sally teaching  women TV producers in Sri Lanka, Sally performing a water ballet with faculty, Terry Setter and Doranne Crable and much more.  This project came out of Sally’s work on The Evergreen Visual History Archive.  One of the project’s many recommendations was that faculty nearing retirement try to make time to create an archival piece about some aspect of their teaching at Evergreen. Self Evaluation was performed before a live studio audience of teaching partners, staff, and Dean Nancy Murray  Electronic Media Staff and students from Ready Camera One served as crew.

(2010) Length 56:35
Produced by Sally J. Cloninger; Directed by David Cramton
