16th Evergreen International Phage Biology Meeting

Poster Abstract Titles
Page Authors
E-8 Stephen Bromley. U. of Liverpool Lambda integrase gene family: markers for phge diversity, environmental regulation and gene transfer in the freshwater environment.
E-9 Siobain Duffy, Christina L. Burch and Paul E. Turner. Yale U. Cost of host radiation in the dsRNA bacteriophage phi6.
E-10 G. Dutta, M. Dyen, N. Hoyle, N. Olivarez, Q. Le, R. Raya, and E. Kutter. Evergreen Infecting young minds with phages:new questions and insights into phage biology:new questions into phage biology.
E-11 Ying Jia and Nicholas H. Mann. U. of Warwick Effect of light on the interaction between cyanophage S-PM2 and Synechococcus sp. WH7803.
E-12 Shailaja Srinagesh, Gordafaried Deyanat-Yazdi, Mya Breitbart and Forest Rohwer. SanDiego State Ecological versus evolution time: Maintenance of the roseophage S101 genome for over a decade.
G-20 Kohzo Kanda, Mashiro Tachi, Ena Fukuda and Fumio Kato. Saga U. Possible plasmid transposable region on the genome of temperate phage KK-88 in Bacillus thuringiensis.
G-21 Asher Hodes, Min Xu, Mari Gingery, Roman Barbalat, Bob Medhekar, and Jeff F. Miller. UCLA Bordetella phage BPP requires diverseosome expression for activity of its diversity-generating retroelement.
G-22 Raphael Leplae, Gipsi Lima Mendez, Shoshana Wodak, Ariane Toussaint. U. of Bruxelles ACLAME: A aatabase for the reticulate classification of the prokaryotic mobilome.
G-23 Gipsi Lima-Mendez, Ariane Tousaint and Raphael Leplae. U of Bruxelles Combinatorial structure of bacteriophages as revealed by the analysis of the proteins encoded by 184 phage genomes.
G-24 Derek J. Pickard, Nick Thomson, Julian Parkhill and Gordon Dougan. Sanger Center Sequencing analysis of Salmonella typhi CT18 plasmid/phage hybrid, pHCM2, reveals a variety of unique genes of probable bacterial origin that may play a role at stationary phase.
G-25 G.Resch, E.M. Kulik, F. Dietrich, and J. Meyer. U. of Basel Complete Genomic DNA Sequence of the Temperate Bacteriophage AaÖ23 of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans.
G-26a L.Kvachadze, M.Kutateladze, N.Balarjishvili, E.Tevdoradze, T.Pataridze, T.Berishvili, R. Raya, C.Stewart, and R.Adamia. Eliava Institute Characterization of Staphylococcal bacteriophage Sb-1 and phage-specific recombinant clones with lethal activity.
G-26b L.Kvachadze, M.Kutateladze, N.Balarjishvili, E.Tevdoradze, T.Pataridze, T.Berishvili, R. Raya, C.Stewart, and R.Adamia. Eliava Institute Salmonella bacteriophage IRA – An unusual hybrid phage?
A-33 R. J. Atterbury, V. M. Allen and P. A. Barrow. U. of Bristol The application of bacteriophage to reduce Salmonella contamination on the surface of chicken skin.
A-34 C. Billington and J.A. Hudson. ESP Ltd. Chilling out? Phage replication in Salmonella uncubated at sboptimal growth temperatures.
A-35 Susanne DiSalvo, Raul Raya, Dave Bruncke, Nick Olivarez, Jan Gleckler, Elizabeth Kutter, and Andrew Brabban. Evergreen Bacteriophages Against Aeromonas salmonicida for the Treatment of Furunculosis in Salmonids.
A-36 Jason Stannard, Heather Callahan, Kelly Colvin, Chindamony Phan, Tonya Lebet, Jon C. Van Olst, and John Buchanan. Kent SeaTech & UCSD. Bacteriophages for therapeutic use in aquaculture.
A-37 T.R. Callaway, T.S. Edrington, K.J. Genovese, J.E. Keen, R.C. Anderson, A.D. Brabban, E. Kutter, C.L. Schultz and D.J. Nisbet. USDA How common are bacteriophage in the feces of U.S. feedlot cattle?
A-38 Vinni Mona Hansen. Danish Institute for Food and Vet Research Reduction of Campylobacter in broilers by bacteriophage intervention.
A-39 Karen D. Moulton, Gail Fletcher, Jennifer Jamison, Victor Serio, Jr., and S. Monroe Duboise. U. of Southern Maine Isolation and initial charcterization of three bacteriophages that infect Vibrio species associated with lesions of epizootic lobster shell disease.

A-40 Daniel Nelson, Raymond Schuch, and Vincent A. Fischetti. Rockefeller U. A bacteriophage lysin, PlyC, may aid in detection and treatment of bovine mastitis.
A-41 Oliveira, A., Henriques P., Sillankorva S., Azeredo, J. and Sereno, R. U. of Minho Isolation of bacteriophages lytic against E. coli strains collected from infected birds.
A-42 Sanna Sillankorva, Rosário Oliveira, Maria João Vieira, and Joana Azeredo. U. of Minho Isolation of phages from industrial environments to control biofilms.
A-43 Timothy J. Welch. NCCWA-USDA Isolation and characterization of a bacteriophage specific to the salmonid pathogen Yersinia ruckeri.
T-47 Z. Alavidze, A.Meiphariani, L.Dzidzishvili, I. Chkonia, M.Goderdzishvili, N. Kvatadze, D.Jgenti, N.Makhatadze, G.Gvasalia. Eliava Institute Local treatment of purulent complications of wounds casued by fire-arm by means of bacteriophage.
T-48 M. Dvalishvili, M. Darsavelidze, T. Suladze, M. Elizbarashvili. Eliava Institute Selection of bacteriophages active to Y. enterocolitica serotype 034.
T-49 M. Elizbarashvili, M. Darsavelidze, M T. Suladze, M. Dvalishvili. Eliava Institute Isolation and study of phages active to polyresistant Klebsiella strains.
T-50 Ketevan Gabitashvili, Marina Dzuliashvili, Tamila Meskhi, Tina Kvelashvili, Ketevan Gachechiladze, Elizabeth Kutter. Eliava Institute Selection and construction of experimental races of specific bacteriophages active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated in USA from various infection pathologies.
T-51 Kvelashvili T., Khvichia A., Gogokhia L., Hoyle N. , Metreveli M. TkemaladzeL., Beridze Natia, Topuria N., Gachechiladze L., Georgadze I., Kutter E. Eliava Institute Ps. aeruginosa in Tbilisi during canine otitis.

T-52 Hansjörg Lehnherr. U. of Greifswald Is the UPEC strain 536 resistant to bacteriophage P1?
T-53 T. Gabisonia, L. Chanishvili, K.chlamazashvili, M. Nadiradze, N. Chakhunashvili , M. Loladze, K. Severinov. Eliava Institute Biological characterisation of bacteriophages effective against strains of multi-drup resistant Enterococci.
T-54 Rohit Malik and Sanjay Chibber. Panjab U. Isolation, classification and characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteriophages and its efficacy in treating burn wound infections.
T-55 T.Suladze, M.Darsavelidze, M.Elizbarashvili, M.Dvalishvili. Eliava Institute Virulent phges of P. sutzeri.
I-64 Jeffrey D. Harris, Raymond Schuch and Richard Calendar. U. of California, Berkley Lysogenization of Bacillus anthracis by a phage from Bacillus cereus strain W.
I-65 M.R. McLaughlin. USDA-Mississippi State Enhanced phage plaque assays in H2S+ Salmonella.
I-66 Hytham Mohammed TMRI Rapid test for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex using phage based assay.
M-73 Catarina Baptista, Carlos São-José and Mário A. Santos. U. of Lisboa The YukE operon of B. subtilis and the early steps of SPP1 infection.
M-74 Asher Hodes, Min Xu, Mari Gingery, Roman Barbalat, Bob Medhekar, and Jeff F. Miller. School of Med., U. of California Bordetella phage BPP requires diverseosome expression for activity of its diversity-generating retroelement.
M-75 Merete Lunde, Hanne K. Hustoft, and Ingolf F. Nes. Norwegian U. of Life Sci. The Lactococcus lactis phage phiLC3 integrates into a NADH/NAD+ redox sensing regulator (rex) gene.
M-76 Junyu Shan, Martha R Clokie and Nicholas H. Mann. U. of Warwick The effect of cyanophage S-PM2 infection on phycoerythrin gene expression, phycoerythrin synthesis and breakdown in Synechococcus sp. WH7803.
M-77 Charles R. Stewart and Taneson Yip. Rice University Activities specified by the “host-takeover module” of B. subtillis phage SPO1.
M-78 Katherine Wendelsdorf, Vasiliy Petrov, Mala Ratnayaka, and Jim Karam. Tulane U. DNA mobile elements in the DNA polymerase gene (gene 43) of T4-like Aeromonas salmonicida phages.
M-79 Michelle T. Whittaker. Evergreen Phage-mediated immune response in phage Therapy: using phage to teach immunology.
M-80 Ketevan (Liana) Gachechiladze and Ana Tikhonenko. Eliava Institute Phage serology: The study of phage-antibody interactions as a consideration in making new therapeutic phage preparations.
S-88 Hans-W. Ackermann. Laval U. Declining electron microscopy in bacteriophage research.
S-89 Manfred Biebl, Monika Walter, Renate Grassl, Mark van Raaij, and Stefan Miller. Profos AG Det7: A myovirus with a podoviral tailspike.
S-90 Christina S. Vegge, Lone Brøndsted, Horst Neve, Stephen Mc Grath,Doue van Sinderen, and Finn K. Vogensen. U. of Frederiksberg C Structural Characterization and Assembly of the Distal Tail Structure of the Temperate Lactococcal Bacteriophage TP901-1.
S-91 Carlos Cardoso Palacios. Stockholm U. Identification of the Integration Site of Bacteriophage PhiD145.
S-92 J. Nascimento, C. Guerreiro-Pereira, F. Pinto, C. São-José, R. Parreira, and MA. Santos. U. of Lisboa Lytic activity Lys44, the endolysin from Oenococcus oeni phage fOg44.
S-93 Moh-Lan Yap, Hans-Wolfgang Ackermann, Moo-Eng Lim, and Chong-Lek Koh. U. of Malaya Binding of two KVP40-like phages to OmpK of Vibrio cholerae.
S-94 Tameson K. S. Yip, Laura J. Laughlin, Bati Myles, and Charles R. Stewart. Rice University Roles of genes 37-40 in host takeover during SPO1 infection of B. subtilis.

2005 Evergreen Meeting Talk Schedule
Surname Name Affiliation Abstract Title Page Country
Beach Barbeque Sunday Afternoon ~ 2-6 PM
Keynote Address Sunday 7 PM
Kutter Elizabeth Evergreen Welcome; overview;tribute to Wolfram Zillig and Bob Greenberg

Kuhn Andre Hohenheim Tribute to Eduard Kellenberger

Hatfull Graham U. of Pittsburg Keynote Speaker

Phage Ecology Monday 9 AM

Breitbart Mya San Diego State CoChair: Phage Ecology overview USA
Clokie Martha U. of Warwick CoChair: Phage Ecology overview — marine part UK
Serwer Phillip UTHSC High throughput isolation of new environmental bacteriophage genomes: Unusual bacteriophages. E-1 USA
Sandaa Ruth-Anne U. of Bergen Diversity of T7-like phages in nutrient manipulated seawater mesocosms. E-2 Norway
Deveau Helene Laval Biodiversity and classification of bacteriophage infecting Lactococus lactis. E-3 Canada
Clokie Martha U. of Warwick Marine cyanobacterial phages. E-4 UK
Fornelos Nadine Lab. of Food and Environmental Micro. Gil01 and relatives, a new generation of tectiviruses infecting Bacillus thuringiensis. E-5 Belgium
Abedon Steve Ohio State Competing T4 wild-type with R mutants during plaque growth. E-6 USA
Sozhamannan Shanmuga NMRC Molecular analysis of Bacillus anthracis phage, AP50. E-7 USA
Phage Genomics Monday 2 PM

Serwer Phillip UTHSC Chair: Development of the issues USA
Hardies Stephen UTHSC Sequence analysis of environmental phage isolates. G-13 USA
Pickard Derek Sanger Center Bacteriphage projects at the Sanger center – Updates, summaries and future directions. G-14 UK
Breitbart Mya San Diego State Genomic analysis of uncultured viral communities in human feces. G-15 USA
Chen Zehua NCI Information theory based T7-like promoter models: Evolution of T7-like transcription system and detection of a novel group of genomic islands containing tendem T7-like promoters. G-16 USA
Sandaa Ruth-Anne U. of Bergen Phylogenetic analysis of photosynthetic genes in virus populations of different size classes isolated from Norwegian costal marine waters. G-17 Norway
Arisaka Fumio Tokyo Tech Evolutionary relationship of T4-related phages based on the gene organization and 3D structure of the tail-lysozyme. G-18 Japan
Gauss Peter Western CO Cloning the rIIABgenes of Bacteriophage RB69. G-19 USA
Phages in Agriculture and Food Safety Tuesday 9 AM
Sabour Parviz Guelph Co-chair: Introduction/overview Canada
Goodridge Lawrence U. of Wyoming Co-chair USA
Oct & Castano Rebecca & Anna Evergreen Development and characterization of a phage cocktail to control Escherichia coli O157:H7. A-27 USA
Goodridge Lawrence U. of Wyoming Intelligent design of a phage cocktail to reduce shedding of E. coli O157:H7 in cattle. A-28 USA
Gill Jason Guelph Biocrontrol of mastitis by Staphylococcus aureus-specific bacteriophage in dairy cattle. A-29 Canada
Loc-Carrillo Catherine Evergreen/ UoN Use of Campylobacter bacteriophage to reduce Campylobacter in chickens. A-30 USA
Hashem Fawzy U. of Maryland Controlling ineffective Bradyrhizobium japonicum with phages to enhance nodulation, biological nitrogen fixation and growth of soybean. A-31 USA
Bruncke Dave Aberdeen HS Bobcats, Salmon and phages – research in a high school setting. A-32 USA

Tuesday PM: Major poster session +wine and cheese starting at 3 PM into the evening with supper on your own – Art Show Opening (Seminar II 4th floor E wing) 7-9:30, including deserts — videos

Human Phage Therapy Wednesday 9 AM
Kuhl Sarah VA Hospital Sacremento Co-chair: Overview – Antibiotic resistance problems USA

Kutateladze Mzia Eliava Institute Co-chair: Eliava history Georgia

Gvasalia Guram Tbilisi State Med. U Local phage therapy in the complex treatment of severe wound and burn infection. T-43 Georgia
Wolcott Randall Wound Care Center Phages, biofilms and wound care. T-44 USA
Rashel Mohammad Kochi Medical School MV-L, a lysin derived from phage phiMR11, rapidly kills multidrug-reisitant Staphylococcus aureus. T-45 Japan
Fleischman Wim Klinikum Bietigheim Live therapy development: maggots in surgery. T-46 Germany
Hodges Dave PhageInternational Setting up phage therapy center. USA
Kutter Elizabeth Evergreen Human phage therapy: some considerations. USA
Innovative Applications of Phage and Their Products Wednesday 7:15 PM

Rees Cath U of Nottingham Co-chair: Use of phage for detection of pathogens -New developments of the fastplaque assay. I-56 UK
Nelson Daniel Rockefeller Co-chair: Harnessing the specificity of bacteriophage lysins for diagnostic applications. I-57 USA
Biebl Manfred Profos AG Phage proteins as tools for selective enrichment of bacteria and removal of lipopolysaccharide. I-58 Germany
Fralick Joe Texas Tech U. Display phage therapy: Neutralization of cholera toxin with display phage and phage born peptides. I-59 USA
Willford John U. of Wyoming A simple reporter-phage assay for rapid detection of E.coli O157:H7. I-60 USA
Clark Jason Moredun Institute Phage-mediated DNA vaccination. I-61 UK
Thomas Kathryn Moredum Institute Phage-mediated DNA vaccination: technical approaches to vaccine production. I-62 UK
Hwang Jeeseong NIST Phage-QuantumDot nanocomplexes. I-63 USA
Molecular Mechanisms Thursday 9 AM

Carlson Karin Uppsalla Co-chair – Overview Sweden

Santos Mario U. of Lisboa Co-chair – Phage recognition of Gram-positive bacteria. Portugal
Mathews Chris Oregon State The T4 nucleotide synthesizing complex: An appreciation of G. R. Greenberg. M-67 USA
Sao-Jose Carlos U. of Lisboa The ectodomain of the Bacillus subtilis membrane receptor YUEB forms a fiber that triggers DNA ejection of phage SPP1. M-68 Portugal
Verma Naresh Australian National U. Serotype converting bacteriophages of shigella flexner: Glycosyltransferases and o-antigen modification. M-69 Australia
Millard Andrew U. of Warwick Investigating the effects of nutrients on cyanophage/cyanobacteria interactions. M-70 UK
Domingues Susana Martins U. of Lisboa AbiP, an RNA binding protein which affects phage replication and transcription. M-71 Portugal
Roberts Fleur Australian National U. Identification of a 95bp fragment that confers immunity to the bacteriophage SFV via transcription termination. M-72 Australia
Phage Structure & Function Thursday 1:30 PM

Leiman Petr Purdue Chair: Overview of assembly; film USA
Arisaka Fumio Tokyo Tech Co-chair Japan
Robins William U. Texas Austin How bacteriophage T7 gets its DNA into the cell. S-81 USA
Mahony Jennifer U. of Cork Molecular analysis and characterisation of the lactococcal superinfection exclusion system protein, Sie2009. S-82 Ireland
Kuhn Andreas Hohenheim From membrane to phage : Steps in the assembly of the filamentous phage M13. S-83 Germany
Leiman Petr Purdue Structure of bacteriophage K1F infecting polysialic acid encapsulated E. coli K1. S-84 USA
Baros Brandi Allegheny College Roles of specific amino acids in folding and assembly of HK97 capsids determined by site directed mutagenesis. S-85 USA
Letarov Andre Function and evolution of fibritins in T4-related phages: C-end of the story. S-86 Russia
Goldberg Eddie Tufts U. Bionanotechnology by using building blocks derived from T-even tail fiber derived protein rods. S-87 USA
A= agriculture E= ecology G = genome I = innovations
M = molecular mechanism T = therapy S = structure & function