2015 Evergreen Meeting

The 2015 Evergreen meeting occurred between August 2nd and August 8th, 2017. We had people from every inhabited continent with over 200 people from 43 countries in August 2015.

21st Evergreen International Phage Meeting: Schedule
Sunday, Aug. 2


9:30 AM to 1:30 PM: Genomics Workshop (organized by Jochen Klump, Ramy Aziz, Welkin Pope)
Welcoming Picnic: 2 PM to 4 PM —
5-7:30 PM: Plenary Talks
Bill Summers: History of Phage Therapy
Martha Clokie: Ecological Aspects of Phage Therapy
Tribute to Guram Gvasalia
7:30 – 9:30: Reception and First Poster Session
Monday, Aug. 3:

Session I: Phage Ecology, Terrestrial and Marine 8:30 – 12
Session II: Mechanisms of Phage-Host Interactions 1:30 – 5
Evening: dance party; poster room also open
Tuesday, Aug. 4:

Session III: Phage Biotechnology 8:30 – 12
Poster session II: 1 – 3:30
Free Time; special gatherings; genomics help
Session IV: Agriculture and Food Safety Applications 6:30 – 9:30
Wednesday, Aug. 5:

Session V: Human Phage Therapy; Tribute to Rezo Adamia: 8:30 – 12
Session VI: Human Phage Therapy: 1:00 – 3:30
Poster Session III, Wine and Finger Food: 3:30 – 5:30
6:30: Native American Salmon Bake – 6:30 — 9, featuring our friends the Penn Family from the Chehalis Nation.
Thursday, Aug 6:

Session VII: Molecular Mechanisms Symposium 8:30-12
Poster Session IV: 1 – 3
Session VIII: 3-5:30
Free evening: choice of supper, etc. on the town and/or dance party on campus
Friday, Aug. 7:

Mount Rainier trip: leaves 9 AM – until 6 or so
Evening: dance party again available