1) Tbilisi 2008 Phage Biology, Ecology and Therapy Meeting — Eliava Institute, Tbilisi, Georgia – June 12-15

2) Virus Structure and Assembly – June 22-27, FASEB Meeting, Vermont Academy; Contacts: Ben Fane (Univ. Of Arizona), Carlos Catalano (Univ. of Washington), https://secure.faseb.org/faseb/meetings/Summrconf/Programs/11503.pdf, Robert Garcea (Colorado: Aurora)

3) Edinburgh International Phage Conference : July 26-29 www.edinburghphageconference.org

OTHER MEETINGS OF PHAGE INTEREST: 1. ASM general meeting, Boston, June 1-5 2008. Symp 093/M: Evolution of host defenses against bacteriophages Maggie Smith, Rodolphe Barrangou, Sylvain Moineau, Mark Oram, Bruce Levin, Harald Bruessow; Col 109: How DNA Translocation Machines Do Their Work. Lindsay Black; Lucia Rothman-Denes; Peter Christie; David Dubnau; Symp 224/M: Adaptations of Phage Life Cycles to their Hosts. R Novick, Wilfried Meijer,Andrew Lang, Roger Hendrix, Deffie Lindell; Symp 318/M: Interactions between phage and host proteins at promoters; Leonid Minakhin; Sivaramesh Wigneshweraraj; Nikolay Zenkin; Sergei Nechaev; Mitchell Lewis

2. Natural Genetic Engineering and Natural Genome Editing, July 3-6 2008, Salzburg http://www.naturalgenome.at has the program/abstract book. 3. IUMS Istanbul – Aug. 5-15 2008 — www.iums2008.org