Selected Bibliography

Larissa Rogge*, Ramona Calnan*, Rawnie Torres*, Matthew Spooner*, Andrew Brabban, and Elizabeth Kutter. (July 2008) Determining the Kinetics of a Therapeutic Phage Cocktail Targeting Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Edinburgh Phage Meeting, Scotland

M. Spooner*, L. Rogge*, B. Kutter and A. Brabban (Dec. 2007). Anaerobic Growth and Bacteriophage Infections of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Phages in Interaction Symposium, Leuven, Belgium

Ramona Calnan*, Chris Judd*, Larissa Rogge*, Rawnie Torres*, Seamus Flynn*, Andrew Brabban and Elizabeth Kutter. (Dec. 2007) Determining the Properties of a Therapeutic Phage Cocktail, Phages in Interaction Symposium, Leuven, Belgium

C.M. Loc-Carrillo, A. Angermeyer*, M. Bennett*, M. Oetjens*, L. Gogokhia*, T. Kvelashvili, G. Bennett, Andrew Brabban, and Elizabeth Kutter. (2006) The Potential to Treat Chronic Dog-Ear Infections with Pseudomonas Specific Bacteriophages. ASM General Meeting. Orlando, Florida.

Rebecca Oot*, Raul Raya, Sarah Perigo*, Anna Castano*, Michael Dyen*, Richard Baumann, Todd Callaway, Elizabeth Kutter, Andrew Brabban. (2005). Characterization of Bacteriophages Active Against Escherichia coli O157:H7. ASM General Meeting Atlanta.

Selected Publications

Kutter, E. (2009). Bacteriophage Therapy: Past and Present. In: Encyclopedia of Microbiology. (Moselio Schaechter, Editor.Oxford: Elsevier.

Kutter, E. (2008). Phage Therapy: Bacteriophages as Natural, Self-Replicating Antimicrobials. In: Practical Handbook of Microbiology, E. Goldman, editor, CRC Press.

Kutter, E. and E. Goldman (2008) Introduction to Phage. pg. 677-700 In: Practical Handbook of Microbiology, E. Goldman, editor, CRC Press.

R.A. Oot*, R.R. Raya, T.R. Callaway, T.S. Edrington, E.M. Kutter and A.D. Brabban. (2007).Prevalence of E. coli O157 and O157:H7-Infecting Bacteriophages in Feedlot Cattle Feces. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 45: 445-453.

Raul R. Raya, Peter Varey*, Rebecca A. Oot*, Michael R. Dyen*, Todd R. Callaway, Tom S. Edrington, Elizabeth M. Kutter, and Andrew D. Brabban (2006). Isolation and Characterization of a New T-Even Bacteriophage, CEV1, and Determination of Its Potential To Reduce Escherichia coli O157:H7 Levels in Sheep. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72: 6405-6410.

T. R. Callaway, T. S. Edrington, A. D. Brabban, J. E. Keen, R. C. Anderson, M. L. Rossman, M. J. Engler, K. J. Genovese, B. L. Gwartney, J. O. Reagan, T. L. Poole, R. B. Harvey, E. M. Kutter, and D. J. Nisbet. (2006). Fecal prevalence of Escherichia coli O157, Salmonella, Listeria and bacteriophage infecting E. coliO157:H7 in feedlot cattle in the Southern Plains region of the United States. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. Sept, Vol. 3, No. 3: 234 -244

A.D. Brabban, E. Hite*, T.R. Callaway. (2005). Evolution of Foodborne Pathogens via Temperate Bacteriophage-Mediated Gene Transfer. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. Dec 2005, Vol. 2, No. 4: 287-303.

Diane Nelsen*, E. Kutter, T. Callaway, T. Edrington and Andrew D Brabban. (2004).Approaches to Controlling Escherichia coli O157:H7, a Food-Borne Pathogen and an Emerging Environmental Hazard. Environ. Pract. Vol 6 (Sept), No 3, p208-229.

Kutter, Elizabeth and Alexander Sulakvelidze. (2005). Bacteriophages: Biology and Applications. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (510 pages)

Brabban, A.D., D.A. Nelson, E. Kutter, T.S. Edrington, and T.R. Callaway. (2004).Approaches to controlling Escherichia coli O157:H7, a food-borne pathogen and an emerging environmental hazard. Environmental Practice 6:208-229.

Chibani-Chennoufi, Sandra, Josette Sidoti, Marie-Lise Dillmann, Anne Bruttin, Elizabeth Kutter, Henry Krisch, Shafique Sarker, and Harald Brüssow. (2004). Isolation of Bacteriophages from the Stool of Pediatric Diarrhea Patients. J. Bacteriol. 186: 8287-8294.

Chibani-Chennoufi, Sandra, Josette Sidoti, Anne Bruttin, Elizabeth Kutter, Shafiq Sarker, and Harald Brüssow. (2004) Comparison of in vitro and in vivo bacteriolytic activity of Escherichia coli phages: implications for phage therapy. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother 48: 2558-2569.

Miller, Eric, Elizabeth Kutter, Gisela Mosig, Fumio Arisaka, Takahashi Kunisawa, and Wolfgang Rueger (2004. Bacteriophage T4 Genome. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 2003 67: 86-156

Paddison, Patrick*, Steven Abedon, Holly Dressman, Katherine Gailbreath*, Julia Tracy*, Eric Mosser*, James Neitzel, Burton Guttman, and Elizabeth Kutter. 1998. The Roles Of The Bacteriophage T4 rapid-lysis Genes In Lysis Inhibition and Fine-Structure Genetics: A New Perspective. Genetics 148:1539-1550

Kutter, Elizabeth, Ketevan Gachechiladze, Alexandr Poglazov*, Elena Marusich*, Mikhail Shneider*, Pia Aronsson*, Alberto Napuli*, Darlene Porter*, Vadim Mesyanzhinov. Evolution of T4-Related Phages. 1996. Virus Genes 11:285-297.

Kutter, Elizabeth. 1996. Analysis of Bacteriophage T4 Based on the completed DNA Sequence. In Integrative Approaches to Molecular Biology, MIT Press; J. Collado-Vides, B. Magasanik and T. F. Smith.

Kutter, E., K. D’Acci, R. Drivdahl, G. Loring, P. Lindsay, J. McKinney, J. Gleckler, S. Peterson and B. Guttman. 1994. Identification of bacteriophage T4 prereplicative proteins on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. J. Bacteriol. 176:1647-1654.

Kutter, E., E. Kellenberger, K. Carlson, S. Eddy, J. Neitzel, L. Messinger*, J. North*, and B. Guttman. Effects of bacterial growth conditions and physiology on T4 infection. In: Molecular Biology of Bacteriophage T4, 1994, American Society for Microbiology Press, J. Karam, J. Drake, K. Kreuzer, G. Mosig, D. Hall, F. Eiserling, L. Black, E. Spicer, E. Kutter, K. Carlson and E. Miller, editors: p. 406-418.

Kutter, E., T. White, M. Kashlev, M. Uzan, J. McKinney and B. Guttman. Effects on host genome structure and expression. p. 357-368. In: Molecular Biology of Bacteriophage T4, 1994, American Society for Microbiology Press, J. Karam, J. Drake, K. Kreuzer, G. Mosig, D. Hall, F. Eiserling, L. Black, E. Spicer, E. Kutter, K. Carlson and E. Miller, editors: p. 406-418.