Tag Archives: student involvement

New Year, Project Updates

Greetings from 2020.  We are all getting settled back into the office and are beginning to plan for the work ahead.  The coordinating group will have our first meeting of Winter Quarter on Monday, January 6th, and we’ll hold our next set of community conversations–“blue sky conversations”–on Monday, January 13th from 3-5pm in Sem II B2105 and Wednesday, January 15th, 1-3pm in Sem II B2105.

We will also be convening a feasibility group to determine the financial and other resource investment that may be needed for ideas going forward.

We look forward to working with everyone on this important–and exciting!–project before us.  We will be making a special effort to engage students as we continue our work, including going to various student events, engaging student groups, and continuing to welcome students to join our coordinating group meetings.  As always, we’re happy to answer any questions you have at bigbets@evergreen.edu.

Happy New Year!