Author Archives: Emily Gray

Big Bets Model Proposal: May 2020

Woah, woah, we have a draft proposal! 

The proposal language itself is the left-hand document titled “New Academic Directions Model May 2020,” the right-hand document is the slideshow on the model presented in the Spring Week 8 Faculty Meeting.

Finally, the document below was created by breakout groups in the Week 8 Faculty Meeting and will be available to anyone for contribution until Wednesday, May 27.  This link should be accessible (and editable) by anyone with an Evergreen login.  Come on over and see what your colleagues are thinking, and add your own!

Big Bets Engagement Timeline

Just a quick note to acknowledge the engagement happening during spring quarter around the Big Bets process.  Note that weeks one through five have already happened; all other meetings are projected and subject to slight revision:

  • Week One
    • Planning Team
    • Feasibility Group
  • Week Two
    • Coordinating Group
    • Planning Team
    • Faculty Meeting
  • Week Three
    • Feasibility Group
    • Student and Academic Life (SAL) Leadership Team
    • Senior Leadership
  • Week Four
    • Feasibility Group
    • Coordinating Group
    • Faculty Meeting
    • Geoduck Student Union
  • Week Five
    • Coordinating Group
    • Feasibility Group
    • Divisions of Inclusive Excellence & Student Success and Indigenous Arts & Education
    • Campus Leadership Group
    • Board of Trustees
    • Student Engagement

Projected meetings from here on out:

  • Week Six
    • Feasibility Group
    • Faculty Meeting
    • Evergreen Staff (at large)
    • SAL Division Staff Meeting
    • Board of Trustees Student Success Subcommittee
    • Planning Team
    • Student Engagement
  • Week Seven
    • Feasibility Group
    • Coordinating Group
    • Planning Team
    • Student Engagement
  • Week Eight
    • Feasibility Group
    • Board of Trustees
    • Faculty Meeting
    • Student Engagement
  • Week Nine
    • Feasibility Group
    • Planning Team
    • Faculty Meeting (potentially)
    • Student Engagement
  • Week Ten
    • Feasibility Group
    • Coordinating Group
    • Faculty Meeting
  • Eval Week
    • Board of Trustees



Coordinating Group Meeting 4/27/20

The Coordinating Group convened once again on Monday, April 27 (week five); 22 people were in attendance. 

In the first hour (of our two hour meeting), we reviewed the elements of a model (below) and, as a group, debriefed the week 4 faculty meeting.  For access to the group notes that were generated from that debrief, click here (it will take you to a shared Word document in OneDrive).

In the second hour, we reviewed data from Hanover Research, from Evergreen’s Institutional Research, and from the Blue Sky data from Fall and Winter quarters to discuss potential curricular clusters of note (see below post for presentation of data).  We then broke into small groups for discussion around curricular areas.

The Coordinating Group will convene again on Wednesday, May 13th to continue the work of reviewing and incorporating feedback into the draft model we have.  Stay tuned! 

Hopes for upcoming faculty meetings where Big Bets are discussed:

    • Week 6 – focus on curriculum
    • Week 8 – provide a comprehensive updated model
    • Week 9 – possible added faculty meeting on 5/27 for further deliberation on the model (if week 8 suggests this is wise)
    • Week 10 – final deliberation on model + advisory vote

Elements of a Model

  • Evergreen State University
    • Evergreen College + Canopy College + Graduate and Professional School of Applied Learning [Note: these names are placeholders and are not official; we have already received thoughtful suggestions and feedback about the names]
  • Hybrid Learning; Low res
  • C1: Concentration
  • C2: Certificate
  • C3: Capstone
  • Wraparound Support
  • New Transcript  

Coordinating Group Meeting 4/20/20

The “Big Bets” work continues!  If anything, it has accelerated in this national/global time of a shifting and changing higher ed landscape.  In some ways, we just got a jump start on our COVID-19 planning? 

Our latest meeting convened on Monday, April 20.  We had 26 people in attendance and were able to cover the following topics:

  • Welcome from Jen
  • Update on non-retained student data from Amadou Ba & Coral Garey, Institutional Research
  • Review of a model presented by a faculty subcommittee made up of Kevin Francis, Steven Hendricks, and Karen Gaul
  • Small group discussion on model
  • General discussion

Normally I would post pictures here, but I’m no longer in the habit of taking pictures in the virtual space!  In lieu of pictures, I’ll give you more text to work with (sorry…). 

The same crew (Kevin, Steven, Karen, with support from the rest of the Planning Team) will present at today’s Faculty Meeting (Wed, 4/22), and the Coordinating Group will convene again on Monday, April 27th. 

Other behind-the-scenes happenings: model presentation to and feedback from senior leadership, the Student and Academic Life Leadership Team, the Campus Leadership Group (during week five).  We are also brainstorming other ways of engaging our community in meaningful (remote) discussion.

Stay tuned!

Coordinating Group Meeting 4/6/20

The Coordinating Group met on Monday, April 6th for our inaugural virtual meeting!  We had 20 participants and our goal was to recommend one or two models for SALLT and senior leadership during week three. Models will brought back to the Coordinating Group with comments from SALLT & senior leadership, and then given to Feasibility Group.

Please note for all content below, this was pulled from notes taken in real time and reflects conversation, but not necessarily any final decisions made.

General Discussion about models

  • Take pandemic into account. The world just changed and will continue to change. Now everyone has the capacity for online learning. Massive economic depression, and people will be seeking different college degrees.  
  • How can we do online education better? Evergreen-style, integrated learning, that makes it better and attracts students. Otherwise we will be doing what everyone else is doing.  
  • Framing:  broad themes important. Equity, resilience, sustainability… walking the talk, content rich curriculum – areas of concern for students who come to us from where they are at now. Excite students, how do we engage contemporary student issues now 
  • Role of Coordinating Group? Are we setting ourselves up for failure if we bring a finished model to the faculty? Shape of CATs and Paths are also up for review – is this group the right one to review the strengths of the paths?  
  • How do we roll out the certification process—can’t be generic. 
  • How can the values be upfront? What do we do well (TRIO) and how can we expand into that?  
  • How do we bring in new students – isn’t that the focus of the New Academic Directions modeling?  
  • Structures don’t excite people very much, content excites people. Right now, there is a mismatch between focus on structural models and the content areas that would draw students 
  • New directions? Reinvent ourselves to a certain extent, but how do we work with the strengths of the current faculty? How much hiring needs to be done for new content areas?  

Workforce Development Pilot

A discussion about a potential regional workforce development pilot in response to the regional economic impact of COVID-19:

  • The planning team and feasibility group need to come together to review the data, models, ideas from the Blue Sky conversations… to narrow ideas, to focus on what is possible, determine areas of investments, develop funding plans. Proposal for next steps:  smaller group take all that this group has done and determine structure, fill with content our data is telling us our students will come here AND keep core values at the center of what we do. Will have to come back with rationale. Opportunity now in times of mass unemployment – how do we serve our community right now? Focus on the near future – serving career switchers and place committed people, serving adult learners.  

The Coordinating Group will meet again on Monday, April 20, 2020.

Thank you, all, for your continued engagement, great thinking, valuable input, and commitment to the Evergreen community!

Coordinating Group Meeting + Models 2.0

For accurate and up-to-date information about COVID-19 and how it impacts Evergreen as a whole, please visit

As we head into week one of spring quarter (beginning Thursday, April 2nd), we are still wrapping our heads around what the impact of COVID-19 might be on the “big bets” process.  We know the timeline will shift and we are working to determine what that might look like on the ground.  The legislative “ask” will change, certainly, and we are considering how we might bring “big bets”to bear on the increasing need for regional workforce retraining in light of COVID-19-related job loss in our area. 

We will continue to offer updates as we have them, so please stay tuned. 

In the meantime, the Coordinating Group had an initial remote meeting today.  We had 26 people attend (awesome!) and we explored models put together by subcommittees over the last few weeks.  Many thanks in particular to Coral Garey, Steven Hendricks, and Kevin Francis for their insight and effort.