New Academic Directions 2020-2021 kick-off

All staff and faculty are invited to join the 2020-2021 “kick-off” November 4th 2-4pm.  This community event is designed to give the Evergreen community a chance to learn more about the work and provide feedback.  Join us for critical conversations about how New Academic Directions will build a new future for Evergreen.

NOTE: To reduce the chance of zoom-bombing, all session links are available through the program, which requires you to login using your username and password.  If you have challenges accessing the program, please contact JuliA Metzker.

2:00 – 2:30 Community Welcome (zoom link)
Interim Provost, David McAvity will provide context about the parts of the New Academic Directions work that has been prioritized for this academic year, including an overview of plans for enhancing and advancing Paths of Study and updates on Certificate development.
[View recording, Passcode= ftEuL@9@]

2:30 – 4:00 Concurrent Workgroup Sessions
All staff and faculty are invited to join one of the following concurrent sessions.  During these 90-minute concurrent sessions, workgroup leads and others will collectively reflect on the charge and discuss how this work will contribute to Evergreen’s future success.

  • Capstone (zoom link) Are you interested in expanding access to capstone or signature work experiences for Evergreen students?  Come to this session to learn more about the work completed this summer.  This workgroup is currently seeking members!
  • School of Graduate and Professional Studies (zoom link): Join the graduate program directors for a conversation about how a school of graduate and professional studies can improve success and increase enrollment for current graduate students.
  • Undergraduate School/College – Standing Committee on the Curriculum (zoom link): The Standing Committee on the Curriculum will continue work on developing models for the Olympia undergraduate curriculum.  Join this session to learn more about their plans and provide feedback on the models and/or process.
  • Hybrid-Online Learning (zoom link): 8-10 faculty will be selected to complete a certification course in hybrid and online learning through the Online Learning Consortium to develop and teach online/hybrid offerings in 2020-2021.  This group will also develop recommendations for increasing online and low-residency programs and certificates. Come to this information session to learn more about this opportunity.
  • Certificates (zoom link): The certificates workgroup is working to develop a process for reviewing and implementing new certificate programs.  Join this session to learn more about their work.  Bring your ideas for new certificates!
  • Paths of Study (zoom link): In coordination with the Curricular Area Team Leaders, the Paths of Study workgroup will continue work to develop and promote paths of study.
  • Holistic Advising – Academic Policy and Practices Review (HAAPPieR) (zoom link):A group of faculty and staff are reviewing current academic policies and practices with an eye towards equitable student outcomes.  How might our academic policies and practices become tools for equity?
  • Workforce Development (zoom link):This workgroup will build on Evergreen’s strengths to contribute to regional, state, and national workforce development by developing low-residency curricula and/or certificate programs that respond to established and emerging workforce needs.

More details including membership for each workgroup are available in the New Academic Directions 2020-2021 Kick-off program.