Physics Quiz 4 Revisions

I’m going to ask for revisions (with the full IDEA format) for part a of the first problem on Quiz 4. On 1c the question might have been clearer in multiple choice format. In such a format, the question would have read something like this:

Which of the following scenarios are consistent with your answer to part b? Select all that apply (there might be more than one):

  1. Moving upward and slowing down
  2. Moving upward and speeding up
  3. Moving downward and slowing down
  4. Moving downward and speeding up

If you are going to submit a correction to 1c your answer should be based on those choices.

Here is the quiz:

Download (DOCX, 19KB)

Math Problem Set #5

Complete All Problems in your Math Problem Set Notebook. Bold underline problems also due via WebAssign by 6pm on Fri. Nov. 3.

  • 3.2: 3, 5, 8, 21, 27, 33, 45, 51, 52
  • 3.3: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 18, 29, 35, 37
  • 3.4: 7, 9, 13, 21, 22, 31, 73, 75, 76, 85, 94

Week 6 Academic Planning & Statement events (re-posted, updated)

In Week 6, we have a number of events connected to Academic Planning & Statement work. The event on Monday October 30 involves a schedule re-arrangement but not any more class time. The Friday events are optional as this is not a regular class meeting day for us, but they are highly recommended. Unless otherwise indicated below, the rest of our weekly schedule is as usual.

  • Mon. Oct. 30, 12:15 – 1:15pm: REU Panel.
    • No Math Quiz this morning.
    • 9:00 – 10:00am Math Lecture
    • 10:15 – 11:15am Physics Lecture
    • 11:15am – 12:15pm Lunch Break. Optional: Review Math Exam MC section.
    • 12:15 – 1:15 REU Panel with students who did summer research at Cal State – Fresno (knot theory), Berkeley (plasma physics), WSU (atmospheric physics)
    • 1:30 – 3:00pm Chemistry Lecture
  • Wed. Nov. 1, 11:30am – 1:00pm: Academic Planning & Statement Workshop I
    • Pre-Workshop Writing Assignment to be completed before Workshop.
    • We’ll do this instead of Math Lab this week.
    • We’ll do this in conjunction with students from the upper division physical chemistry (and physics) program Atoms, Molecules, and Reactions (AMR).
  • Fri. Nov. 3, 11:30am – 1:00pm in Lab I 054A: Potluck lunch with Evergreen Science Alumni Panel, hosted by AMR. Optional, but recommended.
  • Fri. Nov. 3, 1:00 – 3:30pm in Purce Hall Lecture Hall 2: Evergreen Science Alumni Panel Presentations and Discussions. Optional, but recommended.

Math Exam 1 – multiple choice section, correction and corrections

  • Some students found that the time during the Math Exam 1 Revision Workshop was not enough to go over the multiple choice section, or once they got back their response sheet, wanted to look over the questions again.
  • I will make the questions available during the break on Mon. Oct. 30 from 11 – noon.
  • Note: The correct response to Question 16 is c. If you marked c and it wasn’t counted as correct, please show me your response sheet and I can update your score.

Week 6 Reading

  • Chemistry: McMurray & Fay 5.5 – 5.7; 6.1 – 6.3
  • Math: Stewart 3.2 – 3.4
    • Math Reading Responses due via WebAssign 6pm Sun. Oct. 29
  • Physics: Wolfson 6.4 – 6.5; 7.1 – 7.6
    • Physics Reading Response due via MasteringPhysics 8pm Sun. Oct. 29

Class starts at 8am on Tue. Oct. 24

Dear Students,

An unfortunate typo had a confusing start time for class on Tuesday October 24. Consistent with our regular schedule, class starts at 8am on Tuesday October 24. For this class, both morning labs will have the Chemistry Quiz from 8 – 8:30am.

My apologies for the confusion.


Math Quiz #4 and Revision

  • Blank copy of Math Quiz #4
  • Math Quiz #4 Revisions are due 9am Mon. Oct. 30
  • Who should submit a Math Quiz Revision? All students are invited to submit a Math Quiz #4 Revision for as many problems as you choose to revise and resubmit.
  • Math Quiz Revision Detailed Guidelines
    • You may utilize any resource available to you, but submitted work must reflect your own personal understanding of the material.
    • The care you take in presenting your work will be considered when evaluating it, so pay attention to organization, neatness, etc.
    • Revisions must be neat, complete, and presented in a logical, clear-to-understand fashion, on a new copy of the quiz.
    • Please do not re-submit original quiz – that is for you to keep.
    • Since these are revisions, a higher standard will be used to evaluate your responses. Essentially, your revised solutions should be of the highest quality you can produce.
    • You may revise any problems you choose, and must present a complete solution to any problem you choose to revise (not just a part of a problem).
    • For multiple choice/fill-in-the-blank type questions, your revised solution should completely and clearly explain your reasoning (even though no explanation was required on the original quiz).