Welcome to Matter and Motion, 2017-18

Welcome to Matter and Motion 2017-18, an interdisciplinary integration of calculus, chemistry, and physics!

Recent and upcoming info (click on bolded text in color to read linked material):

First Class Meeting

Our mandatory first class meeting begins promptly at 9:00 am Monday September 25 in Purce Hall Classroom 5 (Purce Hall is also called the Lecture Hall). Registered students who are not present at that time and have not contacted us in advance will be dropped to make room for wait-listed students who are present.

As it is our first class meeting of the year, we will have a somewhat non-standard day. We ask that all students be available all day (from 9 – 3; we will definitely make time for a lunch break).

(If you have a laptop that you would normally bring to school, please make sure to do so for this first class meeting day. A laptop is not required for this program, so please don’t panic if you don’t have one.)

Tentative Schedule (added Sun. Sep. 24):

  • 9:00 – 11:30 (Purce Hall Classroom 5): Welcome and Introductions; Community Agreements Workshop I; A Look to the Future; Lab Safety Lecture
  • 11:30 – 12:30: Lunch Break. Look over Syllabus and Learning Community Responsibilities. Faculty will be available and eager to meet with individual students.
  • 12:30 – 3:00 (Computer Applications Lab in Lab 2, first floor): Orientation to CAL & computing resources; Register for MasteringChemistry, MasteringPhysics, WebAssign and Introductory Assignments; Hands-on Activity; Syllabus-to-Schedule Workshop; Q&A.

Learning How to Learn

Many students have been asking how they might be able to prepare for Matter and Motion.

  • For sure, look over the Math Resources page.
  • If you can obtain your textbooks, you can start reading them (at the Math Resources page, we’ve made available -for now- the first chapter of the calculus text).
  • A different thing you might like to try out is to look over Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects. This free on-line course that started on August 21 (but with archived lectures still available) offers advice on how to learn, with particular relevance to learning math and science, based on up-to-date research in cognitive science and learning theory.

Please complete Student Survey by Sep. 24

  • You can access the Student Survey here or using the link in the navigation bar above.
  • Please answer these questions to help us get to know you better.
  • You can’t easily save your responses in the on-line form, so compose your responses in a separate file, then copy and paste into the appropriate space on this form; please use simple formatting.
  • Make sure to save a copy of your responses which will serve as good source material for Self-Evaluations and Academic Statements.