Job Type: Temporary
Salary Details: $19.00-$21.25 an hour
This position runs May 30th through August 18th

Responsibilities: In-person training and team bonding activities during the first week

  • Independently supervise 4-8 campers (ages 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, or 11-12) all day, sometimes also working with a “Junior Counselor” (ages 13-18)
  • We will provide you with instructions for the games, lessons, activities, and crafts, but you will also have the option to develop your own if you’d like
  • Eat snack and lunch with campers (All staff and campers bring their own food and water)
  • Provide basic first aid (scrapes, stings) and carry emergency medication (inhalers, epipens). We will provide training for both of these
  • Take photos of campers during the day and upload them to a shared drive for parents to view
  • Be prepared for full days of being outdoors, often in hot weather and in some areas with limited shade. Camp will not be canceled if it rains, but we will move under the roofs of outdoor structures
  • Be prepared for physical activities such as hiking (up to 2 miles), wading in Sand Creek (the creek bed is rocky and can be slippery), carrying supplies with you in a backpack all day, filling and moving water jugs, and helping set up tables, chairs, and tents
  • Work closely and cooperate with other camp staff and campers’ parents

Please apply through the link below: