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WNPS Research & Plant Inventory

The Research and Inventory Committee solicits proposals that advance the mission of the Washington Native Plant Society, focusing on projects that extend our knowledge of the biology of native plant species or that inventory the flora of an understudied area within Washington State. Special consideration is given to research efforts of graduate students, first time recipients and underserved individuals or groups, to help develop the careers of botanists with interests in native plants.

The Grant Cycle for 2022 is now open.  The Research & Plant Inventory Committee will award up to $10,000 in grant awards for this cycle.  This expanded budget for 2022 is provided by the generous support from donors to the WNPS Endowment fund and the WNPS Board of Directors. 

Solicitation for Grant Proposals

To receive full consideration, proposals should be submitted by March 1 of each year. Proposals should request no more than $2000 except in unusual circumstances. The Committee will review the proposals and a decision will be made by April 1st. In general, half of an award is paid when the proposal is funded and the second half is paid when the project has been completed and a final report has been submitted.

Proposals should be no more than 8 pages in length and include the following:

Title Page (1 page):

-Name, affiliation, contact info (address, email, phone number) of P.I. and all co-PIs

-WNPS chapter affiliation of applicant  (WNPS membership is required to recieve an award agreement)

-Project title

-Project location(s)

-Short project summary (<100 words)

-Total funding request

-State if the P.I. is a student (yes/no), first-time applicant (yes/no), and/or represents an underserved community (yes/no) (e.g., BIPOC, LGTBQ, veteran, person with disabilities)

Narrative (6 pages maximum):

Introduction: Include objectives and significance of the proposed research, as it relates to the WNPS mission.
Methods: Brief description of study areas, species, techniques, plan for data collection and analysis
Timetable: Using a Gantt chart, show activities (including final reporting) for each quarter (or season). In general, research and reports should be completed with 2 years.
Products: What deliverables will result from the proposed research? We expect, at minimum, a project report and at least one of the following:
–  brief account for publication in Douglasia, the WNPS journal.
–  a project summary for eNews and the WNPS blog
–  a video or in-person workshop
–  a recorded webinar

Budget (1 page maximum):

Include personnel, equipment, travel, supplies and any other costs.

1 page curriculum vitae of all project personnel (does not contribute to page limit).

Please save the entire proposal as one pdf and submit an electronic copy to:

Next application deadline:  March 1, 2022

Proposals will be reviewed by members of the Research and Inventory Committee based on:

  1. Appropriateness of the project to the aims of WNPS
  2. Adequacy of proposed methods to address the project’s objectives
  3. Importance of the research relative to the funds requested
  4. Ability to support students and/or underserved individuals interested in botany.