Position Title: Salmon Habitat Restoration Program Director
Supervised by: Executive Director
Full-Time: typically Monday-Friday, 32-40 hours per week, some evenings and weekends.
Part-time schedule may be considered for the right candidate.
Compensation and Benefits: $38 – $42 per hour, non-exempt position. Benefits include
PTO and holiday pay, 3% retirement match, health insurance, and flexible schedules.
Work Location: King and Kitsap Counties, with the option to work remotely in the central
Puget Sound region or at the Mid Sound office located at Magnuson Park in North Seattle.
Must also be able to conduct field work at sites when necessary.
Timeline: Opportunity open until filled. First review planned for May 31st. Please email a
cover letter and resume to antonia@midsoundfisheries.org.

1. Minimum education: Master’s degree in related field, or an alternative combination of
education and professional certification;
2. 5+ years relevant work experience in funding/implementing salmon habitat restoration
projects, managing consultants and contracts, grant writing, and landowner/stakeholder
outreach and partnership-building;
3. Able to occasionally work outdoors and move across uneven and/or wet terrain on
beaches and along streams;
4. Access to personal vehicle and ability to travel for work, sometimes during evenings or
weekends (reimbursed for mileage at the current WA State rate).

1. Knowledge of salmon habitat and coastal/fluvial habitat forming processes, restoration
techniques, native riparian plants, and Pacific Northwest ecosystems;
2. Significant habitat restoration project management experience including instream,
nearshore, and fish barrier removal construction project experience;
3. Familiarity with the Lead Entity and Local Integrating Organizations processes that guide
salmon recovery in our region.
4. Proven ability to foster a collaborative working environment amongst staff, partners,
community members and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds;
5. Exceptional written and oral communication abilities, ideally with demonstrated
successful grant-writing experience;
6. Ability to develop and track project budgets and schedules;
7. Excellent problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills;
8. Proficient in using computers to write reports and grant proposals, track data and
budgets, use project management software, communicate with others through email or
video conferencing, prepare and give presentations, and other tasks as needed.

The Habitat Restoration Program Director is a senior staff position that directs and leads
MSFEG’s habitat restoration program. This person works in consultation with the Executive
Director to lead the development and implementation of MSFEG’s habitat restoration work
throughout MSFEG’s service area. This includes working with the Executive Director and the
Board to prioritize strategic areas of focus for habitat restoration work, working with
partners to develop strategic habitat restoration opportunities, securing grant funds for
project development and implementation, and directly supervising Habitat Restoration
Program staff. A majority of the funding for this position is grant funds which the Director is
expected to help secure to maintain future funding for the position and the program.
Supervise a Habitat Program staff team to implement the MSFEG habitat restoration
Supervise and support the Habitat Restoration Program staff currently composed of
5 Project and Program managers, working to ensure they are successful in their
assigned work.
Work to secure funds to implement priority habitat work and to support the Habitat
Restoration Program staff team, in partnership with the team members.
Advise and train staff on technical aspects of project management, including
contracts, construction bidding, reviewing designs and engineering plans, and
Apply expertise in salmon ecology to guide project staff in developing and
implementing habitat restoration projects to benefit salmon recovery.
Identify and develop strategic priority habitat restoration projects:
Work with Executive Director and the Board to develop and maintain a list of MSFEG
strategic habitat restoration priorities both for types of habitat restoration work and
geographic areas of focus.
Collaborate with the Executive Director and program staff to prepare and implement
a work plan to steward current partnerships and create new strategic partnerships
that will support MSFEG habitat restoration program success.
Participate in relevant watershed technical committees to remain up-to-date on
evolving salmon recovery status and restoration priorities.
Co-develop and oversee implementation of outreach and landowner recruitment
strategies to find new projects with willing landowners in prioritized areas. Support
landowners to understand the timelines, requirements and processes of potential
funding sources.
Build funding strategies for salmon recovery programs and projects, in partnership
with the leadership team and Habitat Program staff. Actively pursue potential
funding sources for high priority projects. Write and submit applications for funding.

Other duties
Assist in preparation and delivery of presentations to partner and community
groups and provide content for newsletters.
Assist with education and outreach as needed.
Represent Mid Sound at assigned partner coordination meetings.
Attend Board/Staff meetings, Strategic Planning retreats, and fundraising events.
Keep accurate records of time and travel and submit paperwork such as timesheets
and reimbursement requests in a timely manner.
Other duties may be required to meet team and organizational goals.

For more information: https://www.midsoundfisheries.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Habitat-Restoration-Program-Director-job-description-2023.docx.pdf and https://www.midsoundfisheries.org/salmon-habitat-restoration-program-director/.