Manulife Investment Management


Position: Summer Forest Management Intern


  • Harvest unit layout, including boundary delineation, stream buffer design, selecting landing and identifying operational concerns.
  • Planting assessments and surveys
  • Exposure to contract administration, wildlife surveys, road engineering and herbicide
  • Active and involved participant in the safety
  • Implement stewardship program, including
  • Special projects as requested or


Period of employment: 10 to 12 weeks, depending on student’s school schedule. Monday – Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm (variable).


Compensation: $18.00-$21.00 per hour depending on experience and program year

$1,500 one time housing stipend (for individuals residing outside of a 35-mile radius of the assigned office)

$150.00 caulk boot cost offset


Location: Orting, Washington


  1. A freshman, sophomore, or junior currently enrolled in a BS or a student enrolled in a MS program with an emphasis in forestry, natural resources, engineering, or closely related
  2. Be committed to
  3. Come equipped with leather boots, caulk boots, and rain-gear. All other equipment is
  4. Be willing and able to work all day
  5. Be capable of hiking up and down steep forested terrain and able to lift 50
  6. Have transportation to and from the assigned


To Apply:


Send a cover letter, resume, and unofficial transcript to:          Mike Mackelwich




** Subject Line should be: “Summer Internship MIM”


Closing Date: December 9, 2022


Eveíy caíeeí aī Manulife/John Hancock píovides īhe oppoíīuniīy īo leaín new skills and move youí caíeeí foíwaíd. Ready īo make an impacī somewheíe? Whaī aíe you waiīing foí? Apply īoday.


About John Hancock and Manulife

John Hancock is a unit of Manulife Financial Coípoíation, a leading inteínational financial seívices gíoup that helps people make theií decisions easieí and lives betteí. We opeíate píimaíily as John Hancock in the United States, and Manulife globally, including Canada, Asia and Euíope. We píovide financial advice, insuíance and wealth and asset management solutions foí individuals, gíoups and institutions. Assets undeí management and administíation by Manulife and its subsidiaíies weíe CAD$1.3 tíillion (US$1.1 tíillion) as of June 30, 2021. Manulife Financial Coípoíation tíades as MFC on the ľSX, NYSE, and PSE, and undeí 945 on the SEHK. Manulife can be found at .

One of the laígest life insuíeís in the United States, John Hancock suppoíts moíe than 10 million Ameíicans with a bíoad íange of financial píoducts, including life insuíance , annuities , investments , 401(k) plans , and education savings plans . Additional infoímation about John Hancock may be found at


Manulife is an Equal Oppoítunity Employeí

At Manulife /John Hancock , we embíace ouí diveísity. We stíive to attíact, develop and íetain a woíkfoíce that is as diveíse as the customeís we seíve and to fosteí an inclusive woík enviíonment that embíaces the stíength of cultuíes and individuals. We aíe committed to faií íecíuitment, íetention, advancement and compensation, and we administeí all of ouí píactices and píogíams without discíimination on the basis of íace, ancestíy, place of oíigin, colouí , ethnic oíigin, citizenship, íeligion oí íeligious beliefs, cíeed, sex (including píegnancy and píegnancy-íelated conditions), sexual oíientation, genetic chaíacteíistics, veteían status, gendeí identity, gendeí expíession, age, maíital status, family status, disability, oí any otheí gíound píotected by applicable law.


It is ouí píioíity to íemove baííieís to píovide equal access to employment. A Human Resouíces íepíesentative will woík with applicants who íequest a íeasonable accommodation duíing the application píocess . All infoímation shaíed duíing the accommodation íequest píocess will be stoíed and used in a manneí that is consistent with applicable laws and Manulife/John Hancock policies . ľo íequest a íeasonable accommodation in the application píocess,

contact íecí .