Grant Funding Opportunities

NFWF is currently seeking grant proposals for the following funding opportunities. For questions, please reach out to the point of contact mentioned in the Request for Proposals.


Alaska Fish and Wildlife Fund 2023 Request for Proposals

Full Proposal Due Date: October 19, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

NFWF is soliciting proposals to further conservation of species and habitats in Alaska. The Alaska Fish and Wildlife Fund (AFWF) invests in projects that achieve or substantially lead to measurable on-the-ground conservation outcomes and fill key information gaps through assessments and strategic monitoring that result in improved habitat or population management actions. In 2023, the AFWF expects to award approximately $650,000 in grants. Learn more


Southern Plains Grassland Program 2023 Request for Proposals

Full Proposal Due Date: October 26, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

The Southern Plains Grassland Program seeks to work closely with nonprofit and government partners and the ranching community to bring important financial and technical resources to improve grassland ecosystem health and resilience to climate change in the Southern Great Plains. These actions will boost the vitality of this often-overlooked ecosystem, providing benefits to wildlife and to rural, ranching-based communities. Approximately $1.5 million in grants is available. Learn more


Hawai’i Conservation Program 2023 Request for Proposals

Full Proposal Due Date: November 2, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

NFWF is soliciting proposals to strategically protect and enhance essential habitats in Hawaiʻi, from mauka to makai (from the mountain to the ocean), to reduce extinction risk and sustain resilient populations of native species. Approximately $1,135,000 in grant funding is available. Learn more


Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative 2023 Request for Proposals

Full Proposal Due Date: November 3, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

NFWF, Southern Company and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are soliciting proposals to reverse the effects of habitat loss, human disturbance and predation of migratory birds along the Atlantic flyway, including American oystercatchers, whimbrels and red knots. Approximately $625,000 in funding is available. Learn more


Pecos Watershed Conservation Initiative 2023 Request for Proposals

Full Proposal Due Date: November 3, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

NFWF is announcing the sixth annual funding opportunity as part of the Pecos Watershed Conservation Initiative. NFWF will award grants to restore and sustain healthy rivers, streams and grassland systems that provide important wildlife habitat in the Pecos watershed and adjacent areas of New Mexico and Texas. Up to $1.4 million will be available. Learn more


Southwest Rivers Headwaters Fund 2023 Request for Proposals

Full Proposal Due Date: November 3, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

NFWF is requesting proposals to restore, protect and enhance aquatic and riparian species of conservation concern and their habitats in the headwaters of the Colorado River and Rio Grande watersheds. Up to $1.2 million in funding is expected to be available. Learn more


Sea Turtles 2023 Request for Proposals

Full Proposal Due Date: November 8, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

NFWF’s Sea Turtles Program seeks proposals to measurably improve the current recovery trajectories of four sea turtle populations in the Western Hemisphere: leatherbacks and loggerheads in the Northwest Atlantic, and leatherbacks and hawksbills in the Eastern Pacific. This RFP will award up to $500,000 in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service funds and up to $450,000 in U.S. Agency for International Development funds. Learn more


Western Big Game Seasonal Habitat and Migration Corridors Fund 2023 Request for Proposals

Full Proposal Due Date: November 8, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

NFWF is soliciting proposals for projects that enhance and improve the quality of state-identified, or tribal-identified, priority big game habitat, stopover areas, and migration corridors on federal land and/or voluntary efforts on private and tribal land. Projects will promote robust, sustainable populations of big game such as elk, mule deer and pronghorn, have positive effects on a wide diversity of other species and implement strategies that provide for increased habitat connectivity and climate resiliency. Current funding for the effort is $3 million. Learn more


RESTORE Colorado 2023 Request for Proposals

Full Proposal Due Date: November 10, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

NFWF is soliciting proposals for the annual Restoration and Stewardship of Outdoor Resources and Environment (RESTORE) Colorado Program. Grants made through the RESTORE Colorado Program will focus on the voluntary restoration, enhancement, and expansion of wildlife habitat throughout the state. Approximately $3.5 million may be available for projects focusing on statewide priorities. Learn more


Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Grants 2023 Request for Proposals

Full Proposal Due Date: November 17, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

NFWF is soliciting proposals under the Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction (INSR) Grants program to accelerate the rate and scale of water quality improvements through the implementation of best management practices that cost-effectively reduce nutrient and sediment pollution to local rivers and streams and the Chesapeake Bay. Up to $30 million in grants through the INSR program in 2023. Learn more


Northern Great Plains 2023 Request for Proposals

Full Proposal Due Date: November 17, 2022 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

NFWF is soliciting proposals to conserve and restore grasslands and wildlife species in the Northern Great Plains. The goal of the Northern Great Plains Program is to maintain and/or improve interconnected grasslands in focal areas to sustain healthy populations of grassland-obligate species while fostering sustainable livelihoods and preserving cultural identities. Approximately $5.4 million in grants is available. Learn more


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