“Selections from ‘Captured Youth'” at Galerie Fotoland

Selections from Captured Youth is up now at Galerie Fotoland – come check it out!


The images, taken by Evergreen State College faculty Steve Davis, are part of Captured Youth, a series spanning 1997-2005 and focusing on the lives of incarcerated teens in Washington State. The series consists of stunning portraits as well as several fascinating “prison landscapes” Selections from Captured Youth will be on display until March 2.


It is my hope that as viewers look at these images, they consider some of the messy and complicated issues surrounding such a great number of young people who live, laugh, and suffer in exile. -Steve Davis



This exhibit is part of Kept Out/Kept In, a series of exhibits and lectures focused on social and economic inequality and the prison-industrial complex. To read more about it, visit sites.evergreen.edu/gallery