Eirik Steinhoff teaches and co-teaches interdisciplinary programs with titles like “How to do things with words,” “Imperialisms,” “Forensics,” “A New Middle East,” “Literary Arts Toolkit,” “Words/Woods,” and “Gateways for Incarcerated Youth” at The Evergreen State College, where he has been a … Continue reading Read More →

Paul Lee – Design for Walls, Screen, Curtains, and Other Security BlanketsSeptember 29 – Dec 1 Galerie Fotoland The Evergreen State College Location: 1st Floor Library Lobby       Gallerie Fotoland is proud to present Paul Lee’s alluring and haunting designs in his series Designs for Walls, Screen, Curtains, and Other Security Devices. The events depicted are from crimes around the country, some high profile and […]Read More →