This is the main curricular site for FWSpSu quarters of 2023-24  for Food and Ag Projects and ILCs and Internships with Sarah Williams and was designed to feature WordPress ePorfolios (or other linked digital platforms) of student projects.  The site also contains some links to past quarters of student work and capstone projects.  Have you considered turning your project into a capstone project?  Check out these examples of Capstone Projects in Food and Ag!

Schedules and WordPress ePortfolio Guidelines

Student schedules vary depending on particular projects and students’ specific relationships with faculty sponsors (and field supervisors and subcontractors).   Email faculty to arrange in person or zoom meetings:

All Food and Ag Projects as well as ILC students are encouraged to use the campus WordPress help resources and online resources to develop WordPress skills.  Students are asked NOT to change the theme of your ePortfolio unless you have discussed this with your faculty sponsor and have 100% confidence that Evergreen supports the theme and that all interactive features of the ePortofolio template will function with your new theme.

Questions?  Contact your sponsoring faculty.   WordPress technical assistance is available at the campus Computer Center Help Desk and coordinated by our Curricular Technology  Support Specialist, Bridget Irish (